Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I lowered my QOM today, getting the record back in January, and haven't ridden it since. Today's official time was 22:30.9 (no screen shot, I was busted well before the line.)

Compared to my last attempt, I started out about the same speed, but hit the hill pretty fast. Last time my Fox Hill was 8:12, and this time 7:34. That's 38 seconds. I was up by 43 seconds before the down-hill. I squeezed out another 16 seconds over the last few kilometers to clip off about a minute on my previous effort.

While the wattage is just over 300, it is 320 if you take out the down-hill. I went a little deep at 350 at the top of the hill for 30 seconds. Didn't recover too well. Glad this wasn't the London 8.

Rachael Elliot is still the fastest with a power meter. This record is as accurate as z power gets.

Monday, May 29, 2017

KOM Mountain 8 Course

This makes 5 courses plus 2 climbs (I only need 3 seconds to reclaim the tower climb)

This was much harder than it looks on paper. The former qom was not very realistic looking based on a very fast time with little heart rate effort. For myself, I kept focused on keeping my breathing controlled on the epic climb so I would have something left for the tower.

I rode about 15 watts faster than I thought i could do. I did the first flat part around 280, which left me breathless when I practiced it a few days ago (but the pace was slow then fast instead of keeping it even.) This gave me almost a minute advantage coming into the climb.

On the long climb, I lost about 30 seconds and that was doing 295 instead of 280 or 285 I expected. I ran the tower hard at 316 which was great as I took back 6 seconds.

Now came the part where i knew I could shine. I bombed the downhill, Nibali style...sprinting the 3 flats and the 2 notches, making sure I hit 80 on the downhill sections as well. Saved 25 seconds. You have to make those 5 sections painful.

At the bottom, I felt I could run it at 300. I calculated that I needed only 280 to match the other girl. I did sprint it long and fairly weak with one or two deaths in the last 300 meters. I rest and just watch my speed. I knew I had it. In the end, I beat the 55:52 with a record 54:23. If I hadn't taken the start and the downhill so seriously, I wouldn't have had the luxury of this confidence.

2nd fastest time on the course, behind the KOM male Dan at 52:04. (although he admits to weight cheating at maybe 60 kg instead of 91!)

So,all time record!!!

Friday, May 26, 2017

KOM Figure 8

I had this record way back in December, so I knew I could cut a good chunk of time off my record. I also moved from 5th to 2nd place on the all time list, just after someone who set their record on rollers with a 130 heart rate. While z power is not very accurate (but legal), roller wattage is probably double what it should be. But, I digress.

I ran the kom's and the Ess Hill with good wattage. I ran the concept bike because there are 7 opportunities for power ups....and all I got was one aero boost. Really? I wonder what I should do next time? Time trial or Concept bike.

I have 3 more rides planned for kom's. But, I need to change the battery for my sensor. 196 hours and 6715 km starting my Zwifting Nov 20 '16.

My wattage was really good 297, 299 and 309 for each 1/3 (about 297 plus my one minute power finish). Good enough for now. Next time I'll ride with power meter and compare. I plan to send my results to Zwift to get z power corrected. Then maybe the z power controversy can be put to rest.

(just for my records) split times 7:17 + 4:18 kom (11:35) then 14:55 (26:30), 2:15 kom (30:10 and 12:52 last section 43:02.5

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

KOM Volcano 5-24

I wanted to do this one again. This was on z-power with my new wheel and tire. something seemed amiss on my last kom (6:52) and I didn't trust it all that much. The power dipped as I neared the finish. I've been doing my rides with my new power meter, and I took off my old ride so someone else could be the queen bee for a while. But, now I'm reclaiming some of my old records as I seem to have hit some good form lately (from racing for the last 6 weeks non-stop)

I was dying after the first minute, maybe too agressive? Slowed a little, tried to lift the pace with 2 minutes to go (looking at 7:03 - 7:08). With a minute to go, I ramped it up until I saw the target estimate hit 7:00, then I just started a sprint with my head down. I looked up with 2 seconds to go at 6:56 and cruised over the line at 6:56.49!!! BOOM, There it is, under 7 minutes.

Here's the proof:

Monday, May 22, 2017

KOM Mountain course record

Smashed it! I started easy and went pretty hard on the mountain. I had a 300 for 20 minutes or 4.41w/kg. I felt I needed close to 280 to beat  the record. This is on z power so I know it is faster than my power meter wheel, but peerfectly legal on zwift and strava.

I averaged 290 from the start to the top and 312 from the bottom to the finish line. (294 plus a hard last minute around 411 watts). All total 293 watts or 279 with down hill included.

I didn't have the advantage of drafting where many records are set, but the former holder seemed to slow down from the tower to the finish line, where I could make up two minutes if needed. Maybe she just didn't have anybody to chase or her chaser was way back. I've burned out by going way too fast to the tower, esp on the pretzel course (2 hours of agony...but I may race it next month for efondo).

This is 5th of all time!

Mountain 8 is still possible although I still consider myself the record holder at 59:25

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Race #20

Unfortunately, I raced alone. Why didn't I back out? Not my nature. But, it wasn't a great effort. I felt kind of blah. Tired from being up late. I tried to do 1st and last laps hard but it just wasn't sharp. My warm-up was probably a bit hard. Nothing new.

for what it is worth:

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

2nd place - KISS Time Trial 16km Volcano

Yeah, a good race, although I was on z power as I temp put power meter on tt bike. I'll be back to the B's and w/ my power meter. (the extra power feels so good when climbing). It was kind of a boring race. I lost a few seconds on the 2nd lap, went from 6 or 7 seconds and it grew to 20 and I held it there until the finish.

I really like regular races with drafting. time trials would be better if they were scored as a % of your ftp My z power ftp is now 290, while my power meter is around 240. I'm telling you this as I really want zwift to lower z power across the board by 15%. that's what the kinetic which is very accurate. either that or my power meter isn't calibrating correctly.

Picture to come:
Great almost all orange effort

Monday, May 15, 2017

ZHR TT 8th place

a bit tired and with only a minute warm-up, I jumped into this. I don't know why. I just wanted to have a ride, three days in a row is a bit much. But, I can't ride Sat. So, I'm doing Mon, Wed, Fri this week.

I did not bad on the first lap @ 250 but lost a bit on second lap @ 234 with a feint sprint. there was nobody very close, either in front or behind. I was tired on the kom, and the Ess climb. Couldn't push myself in the finale.

Resting until Wed. Maybe another race, the big KISS?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

zAW 18 Threshold Pulling

Gak! This was hard on tired legs, and with a new position too. If I had l/r power it would be so much easier. Feels more even now, but in a race everything may get thrown out the window.

I did 5 X 4 (the next step up is 6 X 4)
Wattage was: 255, 259, 257, 284 (268 + sprint), 244
Average is 260 (or 257 without sprint)
current ftp is 237
108% or 3.77 w/kg @257
zaw goal was 250, but 244 is within the window of approval.
I did purposely do my hardest on #4 to see what I could do when forced to do #5. Brutal, had to go real hard at the end.

Also did a 5 sec sprint over 800! 804

KOM Volcano 2

It looks like I inherited the Volcano KOM recently. However, after seeing this today and my power meter results, I withdrew my result because I want to do it with my power meter. Maybe next week, if I'm not racing. but, here is the second time, I have re-attained my KOM on Mt. V.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

WBR 1 Flat Lap Watopia 5th Place

5th overall and 2nd in b class.
this was a pretty good race for me. I was in the lead group of 12 as we entered the tube. I was working hard to keep up with the group. I needed to catch my breath before the uphill exit. But someone at the front went early and I couldn't chase on. Nobody else tried either, as I could have followed their wheel.

So, 6 in front group and 6 in 2nd group. We kept a good pace. Lost one in the dust. There was an acceleration before the sprint by Justin and I was desperate to catch his wheel. We had a second or two gap as we hit the Ess hill. We both hit it fairly hard, and they 2 or 3 behind us slipped to 10 seconds or more.

It came down to myself and Justin for 5th and 6th place. I had enough left in me for my usual early attack and my Zee-sprint. As soon as I had the 4 meter gap, I hit my aero power-up and took off. I had a few seconds with 300 to go, so I could ease back and just watch his wattage. I hit the line at 15:03.

My wattage was 269 for 15 minutes. That's a 3.95 average! So, now my goal is to stretch that 15 to 20 minutes. Even 263 will be enough to hit 250 for my ftp. (right now my 20 is 250). Maybe in a slightly longer race.

Very happy with this last minute after work race. got a massage after, ahhhh!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

KISS First Place (and it counts!)

I had a few z-power wins that got zero points because first place doesn't get credit.
Unfortunately, my  z power (with the most accurate power curve - Kinetic Fluid) is off by about 50 watts). But, this was my first race with my power meter.
I took off fast, expecting a group to catch me. However, out of 20 or so, most dropped out. In fact, only 4 people finished the race.
there were 2 behind me, 12 seconds, then 30. but they stopped working together and split. I had a minute a lap later, and extended it by about 30 seconds per lap.
I pushed myself for 2 laps there.
My times: 30 seconds to the start line plus 7:10 = 7:40
six laps....6:13, 6:19, 6:20, 5:57, 6:10, 6:17
I finished fast the last lap, but I went a bit easy until the climb.
Soon, I'll get the nerve to do a mixed race (just not a huge one like the men's Kiss race today with over 100 people. I want to do a few short time trials.
I may do the Fondo Saturday evening (Australian Pretzel 72 km and a new jersey)

Here's my results:

Monday, May 8, 2017

FTP Test Power Meter

Ugh and Ugly. Actually, I had a great ride.
The power meter really dips quickly if you just let up for half a second.
It's hard to keep it at an even reading.

Today's ride was 240 average (not 294) plus one minute at 370 for a 247 total 20 minutes.
FTP is 235 ( actual should really be 228, maybe 230). Your not suppose to sprint in an FTP test.

So, my ftp and w/kg just came crashing down.
My race results will look terrible now.
Just know all, I'm not sand-bagging in the B's. I was just really never an A.
I just didn't have a power meter to know any better.
Why is it so far off, Zwift?

Friday, May 5, 2017

FTP Test - z power results

I went too fast from 5-10 minutes in and suffered the last half.
I just wasn't too fresh today.
Basically, I rode at 294 watts for a 279 ftp.
However, being a sprinter (and racer) I added a hard start of 30 seconds and last minute finish.
This is a full 20 minute effort of 300 watts and creates an artificial ftp of 285.
My long term goal is to get my ftp to 300. I'll have to do some intervals at 316 watts or at least 310.
It will take a while, probably 3 months. I don't know if I can push beyond that.
At some point soon, I will concentrate on my pursuit efforts (4-5 minutes).

I wanted to do this test before going to a power meter Sunday.
I'm not racing until the new month comes Monday. Hopefully, will get ranking and out of rookie division.
Then, I'll do some time trials and short races.
But again, I'm afraid of what the power meter will read. (and I don't know how to calibrate it if needed.)

I love training the most. I love the motivation of racing.
And I'm thinking of entering the Zwift Academy this summer.
Too many goals. Plus, I want to do a 'televised' race on Zwift. (now that I've had my 30 seconds of fame on Youtube) I want to stick with the big A's for as long as I can last. It will have to be flat or just the section leading up to Box Hill. I've never done Richmond yet. I can do pretty good on at least the first hill or two. Not all three against the guys. We need more Women only races.

How about the girls get a 5 minute head start? The big boys caught me on the third reverse kom. But if I had 2 or 3 other A girls with me, I could have stayed ahead. When I sprinted to the end of my last lap, Cartright caught my wheel and tried to take off as their 4th lap began.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

EVR 5-3 4 X Hilly Lap

Pretty good race. I got a little slower each lap.
Lost touch with the three guys that finished ahead of me when we got to the last kom.
I was ready to blow and was working hard just to stay on their tail.
I actually fell off on the Esses climb but caught back on.
I just worked to stay ahead of people behind me.
Took it easy near the finish and 2 guys were in the red, so I jumped and finished 2 sec. ahead.
Happy with results. 13th to finish but one 5.0+ and one no heart rate, so given 11th place.
Third place of the B's!!!
I need points in long races w/ climbs.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Zwift Race 4th place 5-1

Trying to increase my points for longer races.
Again 4.01 w/kg with a hard start, about 450 watts for 30 seconds.
It was six of us in lead until the first time up box hill (2 laps of London Loop)
There was a rider further back who zipped by me at well over 6 w/kg.
The two "leaders" went up at like 5 minutes (and they both were way over 5.0 for the race. Yeah right)
I caught one rider at the bottom of Box Hill, so one with me and 5 ahead.
I did most of the pulling, took it easy as 2 behind us went from 40 to about 20 seconds.
Did my own pace on Box Hill second ascent, kicking it up near the top.
I was alone and descending (and resting), too far behind to catch anyone in front of me.
I practiced my sprint, doing about 500 for 30 seconds or so. I felt pretty good.
So, I don't know if there are any judges in these new "Zwift" races.
It says 'training race', so I am guessing no.
DQ first 2 riders as results artificial and no heart rates.

1 Beckman @ 45:24
2 RM 46:44
3 Leo 46:47
4 Zee K 48:40

Overall a good result. Strong on Box Hill despite hard race start.
Good lap time.