Monday, October 30, 2017

Z TAZ 10-21 Sooo much fun

So busy lately, I forgot to post my results.
I got up at 3:30 am for this race.
When I got home from work, I fell asleep hard.
I came in 4th! But, only 4 did all three races.
Still, this is hard for a B rider. Just to get to the third race is very difficult.

race 1: 7th of 11 riders. But 4 didn't finish. So, last place.
good wattage 260 watts
race 1

race 2: 6th place of 9. Only 7 finished (not last place!)
240 watts
race 2

race 3: much better than last time (190)
222 watts 8th place of 15 riders. Again, 9 finished.
I passed 3 riders and I saw that when they knew they
were in last place and losing ground, they dropped out.
It took me three of four laps to catch and pass 9th place rider.
race 3

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Last Day of Academy Months 1 and 2 (Ready for 3!)

Winding it up with the last ride Friday at 4. I will probably post my top 10 nominees this weekend.
Here's my bests (a few for September were close to best from July and August)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ODZ 4th place (but felt awful)

I almost logged out before race started. I saw only 20 riders, so I decided I would just time trial and stay ahead of c riders. But, the pace was never too high. We split in half esp at the first climb on volcano crit lap. then 7 of us. But on the second climb, there were 4 of us and when torres put in a little dig, I stuck to her wheel and the 2 others fell off. I rode a bit but I think Torres found out at the end of the third lap that I wasn't tucking in to save power. I was struggling and eventually she pulled away and I just knew I couldn't sprint and drift for two more laps. It's easy with 4 or more riders. With 2, you might want to dump them if they aren't working with you. I wanted to. Because I knew the 3 girls behind us would not slow down to pick me up. They would naturally want to pass right by me. By that point, it didn't matter too much. My legs were hurting. They certainly weren't my legs.
did you see me today?
Yep, that's me today.
I'm lucky to have done 3.2 w/kg. Couldn't even sprint today.
Yesterday, a Queen.
I'll be putting up challenges and races soon as Academy part 2 is over.
Check back here or my Strava.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Women's Race Results 2017 Academy

Here's the women's race series leaders (for two races)
(position in top two races) points 1st 10, 2nd 9, 3rd 8 points, etc

1 Z Calla (1+1) 20 points (flagged in race during Academy)
2 Hildonen (1+2) 19 points
3. Tracy (1+2) 19 points
4 Green (1+3) 18 points
5 Amelia (2+3) 17 points
6 Vanetti (2+4) 16 points
7 Sumerfield (3+4) 15 points
8 Z Kryder (4+4) 14 points
9 Gertzuma (2+ ?6?) 14 points  Loncaric
10 Bullock (2+7) 13 points
11 Conabeare (5+5) 12 points
12 L. Loncaric (3 + 8) 11 points
13 All single race winners at 10 points

All Women's Academy Races:
Race 1 Calla (45 entrants) 1 results
Race 2 S. Hildonen (24) 2 results
Race 3 Hay Dixon (16) 3 results
Race 4 Whitelaw (30) 4 results
Race 5 J. Abbott (36) unofficial L Regenmorter credit 5 results
Race 6 K Simpson (20) 6 results
Race 7 Z Calla (50) 7 results
Race 8 C Baldi (37) 8 results
Race 9 Laura (24) 9 results
Race 10 S Javakhyan (37) 10 results
Race 11 A Cameron (31) NC results
Race 12 C Tracy (20) 12 results
Race 13 K. Green (47) 13 results
Race 14 Natasha (69) 14 results
Race 15 C Draijer (26) 15 results
Race 16 M Tallent (48)  16 results
Race 17 C Torres (17) 17 results
Race 18 M Wilkinson (24) 18 results
Race 19 R. Baran (17) 19 results

Last Workout #6

This was my last workout planned at full effort.
Effort 20 @ 236 (goal 230) gear 52 x 18 perfect
4 @ 258, 4 @ 265, 4 @ 275 avg 266 (goal 265) gear 52 x 17 was tight - maybe 54 x 18 is better
1 @ 308, 1 @ 303, 1 @ 314, 1 @ 307 (avg 308) 1 @ 385 avg 5 = 316 (goal 300 )
workout score was 106 over scheduled 92 (not sure how #'s count (zwift tss was 110 so similar to 106)

picture is file graph of some intervals from training plan: (watts on left side/heart rate on right side)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Motivation for Week 6 of Academy

Fav shirt: This expression is from Tim whenever he was coaching Jesper Anker's Zwift races.
I think I need to play his commentary during one of my races.
Actually, I want this painted somewhere on the new course (the forest of Arenberg?)

Butts Don't Lie (Sprinter's Can't Climb)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

ODZ 6th Place!

Very good race, but not as great as I should have been. will analyze pace after work.

Ok, back from work 9 hours later. Tired legs. I was looking at the start. Someone said they saw the 6 or 7 of us got a gap and we were gone up the road before they could get on. Exactly. This is dumping as many riders as you can. Packs, even 3 people move really fast on Zwift. I lost the wheel on the third lap climb and couldn't catch them once it got flat. They were up the road so quickly. To get in that lead group, I jumped right away about 6 w/kg for 20 seconds, then when there were 4 or more, we settled into a pace, all the way to the Esses hill. That is always hard. I got in the front and rode at about 4.5 w/kg. gotta do it or get left behind.

I actually rode a top 30 minute ride. The pace was rarely even. Lots of jumping around, which means light pedal for a few seconds, then jumping at 4 to 5 w/kg to keep on. I know its killing time for me when I'm stuck near the back and I have to keep these spurts of speed to keep closing the 2 or 3 meter gap. I didn't know in the last half a lap that I was chasing a rider on a time trial bike. I tried to gas it in the last minute. I had good speed, avg 50 kph, but my legs just sprinted in spurts.
See: This is the last 50 seconds of the race. At least I didn't give up...ever in this race.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Hittin' My Numbers

This month, I feel good. My sprint is back and my endurance is much better.
I raised my FTP to 252 with a 266 20 minute ride (still want 272 for 4 w/kg)
I got my PI back to 663. (my sprints went down in September when I focused on group rides and 40 minute races.)
Can't wait for some short races 10-14 when the Academy trials are over.
Here's my October 6th chart.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

KISS Time Trial 5th Place

The order # wasn't working, but didn't matter. In a time trial your pace should be fairly even. I took it cautiously for the first 4 minutes, then went into a twenty minute ftp 'test'. I averaged 266 in that time for a new ftp of 252! It was tough in the last few minutes and I cruised across the line.

It has been a good week. I have 2 more races scheduled and workout #6.

In the final below, the first rider by the rules is DQ.
I still have to be listed as an A for KISS because of an error in the short series.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

ODZ Race 10th Place (my 5th race)

A few quick thoughts...then off to work.
Rode workout 8 before this event. All of these long rides is putting me at like 98% of my not happy. Have to keep at it, esp for workout 5. In the race, suddenly Not Volcano but Watopia Reverse (I'm so much better Forward)

The race went very good. I was with 3 other girls in the lead. we had over a minute gap, so even 7 or 8 of them weren't coming back. On the second lap climb, our group split. I was getting too winded. Only Kristen could stay within the draft of the z-powered rider. My other rider and I split somewhere at the third lap. Don't blame her. Who wants to try for third place against a top sprinter? (I wore the jersey from pre-race sprint)

I rode a time trial and for a while I was keeping my gap to the pack at 30 seconds, but they caught me after the sprint bridge. The pack splintered on the climb. I was at the front, but a few sprinted up the road and I got gaped. Didn't catch them going down, just too many riders. So, I went down with two others and did a really good sprint.

Results are still pending, but I took 10th. One rider was over 4 w/kg with z-power and another rider had no heart monitor. I could have gotten top four easily but I lost a wheel 3 times.
I'm actually third among B. But I'm mad I wasn't top 3.
They'll be an angry Zee next Saturday. I have names.