Monday, December 25, 2017


Weight Loss Article 4

The Supplement Conundrum

Is there a 'magic pill' for weight loss? Please say no. There are hundreds of claims, hundred of sales offers, and hundred of test results.  We must ask, how was the test carried out? Who paid for the test? One test was paid for by the company that sells a certain kind of fruit. What did their test reveal? Their fruit prevents cancer. When this test was conducted properly, the results showed no such benefit. It is easy to take a group and select the healthier ones to test the product on. Then, compare them to the other group. This is one way to lead the results. Don't trust every test, especially any quoted in a sales ad.

A proper scientific test should have a placebo group. A randomized controlled trial is A study design that randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control group.  Double blind means the testers don't know which group is which. Certain criteria must be followed. Did participants exercise 60 minutes a day or did the participants merely say they exercised? Having a participant simply check a box 'yes' or 'no' is not accurate enough. The other problem is that the test lasts just a few weeks or up to three months. This isn't long enough to gauge a loss that is gradual over one year. Yet, they are often pushed to get fast results.

My favorite example of positioning such a study is one that revealed salt is bad for you. Many quoted it and said, "Salt is bad for you. There's proof." Was it true? Were there health problems? Yes. Were they caused by salt with reliable results? No. Here's why. The group eating salt were people who ate a high salt diet consisting of hot dogs, pizza, potato chips, bacon,etc. They should have selected healthy individuals who lived on a healthy diet with high salt content to prove their point. They only proved that salty junk food is unhealthy.

Two views often exist side by side. To illustrate, an athlete sees his workout shirt has dried salt deposits. (Is it actually sodium chloride?) He immediately proclaims, "Look how much salt I've lost. I better replace it." A different athlete reacts, "Look how much salt I've lost. I must be eating too much. I better cut down my salt intake." Doctors who examine a controlled study will disagree as well. I had some points on Chromium picolinate based on one Doctor, but I changed my mind after doing more research. Dr. Jeukendrup agrees with a study of studies that show little to no effect on fat loss. Still, it was averaged at 1 pound of fat lost over the groups not taking chromium. That could add up to four pounds a year.. Onakpoya at Oxford. Some who touted chromium are now rather silent on the matter. Chromium supplements should be discussed with a doctor respecting any amount, especially diabetics. My interpretation of chromium in brief: High sugar diets will cause fat gain and chromium loss. Cutting out sugar will lead an active person toward weight loss. Chromium may help those individuals. Ask your doctor.

Getting the right nutrients might require only a change in diet. But, that is not always possible. While the body generally maintains the level of sodium chloride, potassium levels can get low. Should you run out and buy potassium then? If so, what kind and how many should one take? First, always calculate how much is actually needed. Second, how much are you getting?  Add the amount in your diet plus the amount in your one-a-day vitamin pill. What is the difference? 

Example: Potassium

  •              Recommended amount: 4700 mg (MNA)
  •              Dietary level (average): 2000-2500 mg
  •              Vitamin One-a-Day level: 0 
  •              Natural sources: Potato 900 mg, Banana 450, Kiwi (2) 430 , Spinach 420, Sweet Potato 540, Sport drink 37, Milk 382 (Ask me what I drink.)
  •              Regular table salt: zero
  •              Lite salt (Potassium Chloride) 1/4 teaspoon 600 mg
Supplement Dangers:Potassium
"Dangerous heart rhythm problems and even cardiac arrest" is possible in some cases. Use only with the guidance of a medical doctor. May have fatal effects with certain health conditions and/or medications. Extreme care is needed with diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, and various medications "such as spironolactone." Quote from Deepak Bhatt, MD Harvard Heart Letter June 2016

Vitamin D
There's good news respecting vitamin D3. More than one study shows what applies to almost all supplements. Vitamin D does not cause weight loss. Vitamin D deficiency may impair fat loss, especially in the stomach or belly area. What can we base this on? One study shows women lowered their fat with vitamin D. Another showed vitamin D lowered the amount of body fat. Keep in mind this vital point: the test subjects were given a healthy diet and exercised. The supplemented amount brought their vitamin D levels to where they should be.

Specifically, these studies used D3 oil gel caps. (not dry tablets). Natural vitamin D comes from sunlight. If you are outdoors with exposed skin you may get enough, and it's free. It is unlikely for many of us to get enough exposure especially in the winter. What about the vitamin D in my one-a-day vitamin pill, in my milk, and in my breakfast cereal? All I can suggest is that it is probably not the right type. How much money are corporations going to spend for this vitamin to be added to their product? Further, will D3 prove to be the next Chromium, touted one day and forgotten when the wind shifts to another supplement?

Recommendations from those test results are to take a high dosage for 90 days to overcome a deficiency, then supplement according to daily recommended levels. 4,000 iu was used as the highest level in testing. Don't go higher. By at least 10,000 iu, there is a strong toxicity danger. More is not better.

Here's what bothers me in advertising. This is a quote from a vitamin D ad where I will not mention the company. "Shed pounds fast"," No foods are off-limit". "Fat-melting" and "You'll lose weight quickly." This ad worries me. 

Consider using a supplement that will meet your requirements. Daily amount total is around 600 iu (Institute of Medicine 400-800). Studies show overweight individuals may require 1000-2400 iu. (1000 iu = 25 mcg) IOM Summary. A doctor can run a blood test. Just because you are D deficient does not guarantee that vitamin D supplements will cause weight loss. The jury is still out. Time will tell if the current studies are tried and true.

Dr. Soares says, "Overall, there is consistent evidence that calcium and vitamin D increase whole body fat oxidation." But added that there are not defined levels of the vitamin administered and the resulting change. So, it does work, as he sees it. But, it's unclear how much benefit it brings. (I say, for 10 dollars it seems good to try. For fifty dollars, I want solid proof.)

Dr. Pathak finds little evidence in eleven studies. However, he reports that none of the testers imposed a calorie restriction, nor was there any exercise protocol. One additional study did show a decrease in fat mass for women. Again, it does not state the full parameters. How much did exercise and diet come into play?

Caffeine and Green Tea
Caffeine seems to increase fat metabolism slightly. If it helps you ride harder for a longer time, then that's an added benefit. If you need an excuse to drink coffee, this is it: Dr. Graham. For me, I just love to drink it. If you are going to drink caffeine, do so before exercise. Then, wait for it to kick in.

Green tea has health benefits that may include fat metabolism. Catechins in green tea and decaf green tea may account for greater benefits than the caffeine in coffee. One study had a weight loss of 5.5 pounds in a three months versus 3 pounds for the group without tea. Definitive proof? No. It seems to be a fairly cheap approach though. I prefer to buy a good quality of loose leaf tea.

"Fat oxidation rates, during a 30-min cycling at 60% VO2max, were significantly higher (17%) following GTE ingestion compared to placebo." Dr. Jeukendrup concluded, "Green tea has the potential to increase fat metabolism at rest, also during exercise, and may help to lose body fat and body weight. As with caffeine, the effects appear to be relatively small." Dr, Jeukendrup's article.

Protein Powder
Whey Protein Concentrate is being haled as a weight loss aid. I much prefer egg white protein as it is very easy on my stomach. Does it reduce body fat in tests? It is difficult to say. Protein will benefit any weight training program. Is this protein in addition to a healthy diet? Is it a replacement for a meal protein like fried chicken or a cheeseburger? There's so many variables from one study to another. It quickly gets confusing. Every ad has an agenda, "Buy our product." Be careful with your health and your money. I take protein powder to get the right amount in my daily diet. The amount will differ from one person to another. It is based on muscle mass and the amount and type of daily exercise. I don't think protein will ever prove to change your fat metabolism. It may help you to eliminate saturated fats from your diet. That in itself, is a big step in the right direction.

There's no way to cheat the system of exercising and eating healthy. If you are sincerely cycling and lifting weights, you should gradually lose weight. Hopefully, Zwift enhances your exercise and increases your health. If something works for you, please share it with us at ZwiftOff. Join us for our group workouts as well.


Weight Loss Article 4

The Supplement Conundrum

Is there a 'magic pill' for weight loss? Please say no. There are hundreds of claims, hundred of sales offers, and hundred of test results.  We must ask, how was the test carried out? Who paid for the test? One test was paid for by the company that sells a certain kind of fruit. What did their test reveal? Their fruit prevents cancer. When this test was conducted properly, the results showed no such benefit. It is easy to take a group and select the healthier ones to test the product on. Then, compare them to the other group. This is one way to lead the results. Don't trust every test, especially any quoted in a sales ad.

A proper scientific test should have a placebo group. A randomized controlled trial is A study design that randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control group.  Double blind means the testers don't know which group is which. Certain criteria must be followed. Did participants exercise 60 minutes a day or did the participants merely say they exercised? Having a participant simply check a box 'yes' or 'no' is not accurate enough. The other problem is that the test lasts just a few weeks or up to three months. This isn't long enough to gauge a loss that is gradual over one year. Yet, they are often pushed to get fast results.

My favorite example of positioning such a study is one that revealed salt is bad for you. Many quoted it and said, "Salt is bad for you. There's proof." Was it true? Were there health problems? Yes. Were they caused by salt with reliable results? No. Here's why. The group eating salt were people who ate a high salt diet consisting of hot dogs, pizza, potato chips, bacon,etc. They should have selected healthy individuals who lived on a healthy diet with high salt content to prove their point. They only proved that salty junk food is unhealthy.

Two views often exist side by side. To illustrate, an athlete sees his workout shirt has dried salt deposits. (Is it actually sodium chloride?) He immediately proclaims, "Look how much salt I've lost. I better replace it." A different athlete reacts, "Look how much salt I've lost. I must be eating too much. I better cut down my salt intake." Doctors who examine a controlled study will disagree as well. I had some points on Chromium picolinate based on one Doctor, but I changed my mind after doing more research. Dr. Jeukendrup agrees with a study of studies that show little to no effect on fat loss. Still, it was averaged at 1 pound of fat lost over the groups not taking chromium. That could add up to four pounds a year.. Onakpoya at Oxford. Some who touted chromium are now rather silent on the matter. Chromium supplements should be discussed with a doctor respecting any amount, especially diabetics. My interpretation of chromium in brief: High sugar diets will cause fat gain and chromium loss. Cutting out sugar will lead an active person toward weight loss. Chromium may help those individuals. Ask your doctor.

Getting the right nutrients might require only a change in diet. But, that is not always possible. While the body generally maintains the level of sodium chloride, potassium levels can get low. Should you run out and buy potassium then? If so, what kind and how many should one take? First, always calculate how much is actually needed. Second, how much are you getting?  Add the amount in your diet plus the amount in your one-a-day vitamin pill. What is the difference? 

Example: Potassium

  •              Recommended amount: 4700 mg (MNA)
  •              Dietary level (average): 2000-2500 mg
  •              Vitamin One-a-Day level: 0 
  •              Natural sources: Potato 900 mg, Banana 450, Kiwi (2) 430 , Spinach 420, Sweet Potato 540, Sport drink 37, Milk 382 (Ask me what I drink after a hard race.)
  •              Regular table salt: zero
  •              Lite salt (Potassium Chloride) 1/4 teaspoon 600 mg
Supplement Dangers:Potassium
"Dangerous heart rhythm problems and even cardiac arrest" is possible in some cases. Use only with the guidance of a medical doctor. May have fatal effects with certain health conditions and/or medications. Extreme care is needed with diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, and various medications "such as spironolactone." Quote from Deepak Bhatt, MD Harvard Heart Letter June 2016

Vitamin D
There's good news respecting vitamin D3. More than one study shows what applies to almost all supplements. Vitamin D does not cause weight loss. Vitamin D deficiency may impair fat loss, especially in the stomach or belly area. What can we base this on? One study shows women lowered their fat with vitamin D. Another showed vitamin D lowered the amount of body fat. Keep in mind this vital point: the test subjects were given a healthy diet and exercised. The supplemented amount brought their vitamin D levels to where they should be.

Specifically, these studies used D3 oil gel caps. (not dry tablets). Natural vitamin D comes from sunlight. If you are outdoors with exposed skin you may get enough, and it's free. It is unlikely for many of us to get enough exposure especially in the winter. What about the vitamin D in my one-a-day vitamin pill, in my milk, and in my breakfast cereal? All I can suggest is that it is probably not the right type. How much money are corporations going to spend for this vitamin to be added to their product? Further, will D3 prove to be the next Chromium, touted one day and forgotten when the wind shifts to another supplement?

Recommendations from those test results are to take a high dosage for 90 days to overcome a deficiency, then supplement according to daily recommended levels. 4,000 iu was used as the highest level in testing. Don't go higher. By at least 10,000 iu, there is a strong toxicity danger. More is not better. Here's what bothers me in advertising. This is a quote from a vitamin D ad where I will not mention the company. "Shed pounds fast"," No foods are off-limit". "Fat-melting" and "You'll lose weight quickly." This ad worries me.

Consider using a supplement that will meet your requirements. Daily amount total is around 600 iu (Institute of Medicine 400-800). Studies show overweight individuals may require 1000-2400 iu. (1000 iu = 25 mcg) IOM SummaryA doctor can run a blood test. Just because you are D deficient does not guarantee that vitamin D supplements will cause weight loss. The jury is still out. Time will tell if the current studies are tried and true.

Dr. Soares says, "Overall, there is consistent evidence that calcium and vitamin D increase whole body fat oxidation." But added that there are not defined levels of the vitamin administered and the resulting change. So, it does work, as he sees it. But, it's unclear how much benefit it brings. (I say, for 10 dollars it seems good to try. For fifty dollars, I want solid proof.)

Dr. Pathak finds little evidence in eleven studies. However, he reports that none of the testers imposed a calorie restriction, nor was there any exercise protocol. One additional study did show a decrease in fat mass for women. Again, it does not state the full parameters. How much did exercise and diet come into play?

Caffeine and Green Tea
Caffeine seems to increase fat metabolism slightly. If it helps you ride harder for a longer time, then that's an added benefit. If you need an excuse to drink coffee, this is it: Dr. Graham. For me, I just love to drink it. If you are going to drink caffeine, do so before exercise. Then, wait for it to kick in.

Green tea has health benefits that may include fat metabolism. Catechins in green tea and decaf green tea may account for greater benefits than the caffeine in coffee. One study had a weight loss of 5.5 pounds in a three months versus 3 pounds for the group without tea. Definitive proof? No. It seems to be a fairly cheap approach though. I prefer to buy a good quality of loose leaf tea.

"Fat oxidation rates, during a 30-min cycling at 60% VO2max, were significantly higher (17%) following GTE ingestion compared to placebo." Dr. Jeukendrup concluded, "Green tea has the potential to increase fat metabolism at rest, also during exercise, and may help to lose body fat and body weight. As with caffeine, the effects appear to be relatively small." Dr, Jeukendrup's article.

Protein Powder
Whey Protein Concentrate is being haled as a weight loss aid. I much prefer egg white protein as it is very easy on my stomach. Does it reduce body fat in tests? It is difficult to say. Protein will benefit any weight training program. Is this protein in addition to a healthy diet? Is it a replacement for a meal protein like fried chicken or a cheeseburger? There's so many variables from one study to another. It quickly gets confusing. Every ad has an agenda, "Buy our product." Be careful with your health and your money. I take protein powder to get the right amount in my daily diet. The amount will differ from one person to another. It is based on muscle mass and the amount and type of daily exercise. I don't think protein will ever prove to change your fat metabolism. It may help you to eliminate saturated fats from your diet. That in itself, is a big step in the right direction.

There's no way to cheat the system of exercising and eating healthy. If you are sincerely cycling and lifting weights, you should gradually lose weight. Hopefully, Zwift enhances your exercise and increases your health. If something works for you, please share it with us at ZwiftOff. Join us for our group workouts as well.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Weight Loss Article 4

Weight Loss Article 4 

Is there a 'magic pill' for weight loss? Please say no. There are hundreds of claims, hundred of sales offers, and hundred of test results.  We must ask, how was the test carried out? Who paid for the test? One test was paid for by the company that sells a certain kind of fruit. What did their test reveal? Their fruit prevents cancer. When this test was conducted properly, the results showed no such benefit. It is easy to take a group and select the healthier ones to test the product on. Then, compare them to the other group. This is one way to lead the results. Don't trust every test, especially any quoted in a sales ad.

A proper scientific test should have a placebo group. A randomized controlled trial is A study design that randomly assigns participants into an experimental group or a control group.  Double blind means the testers don't know which group is which. Certain criteria must be followed. Did participants exercise 60 minutes a day or did the participants merely say they exercised? Having a participant simply check a box 'yes' or 'no' is not accurate enough. The other problem is that the test lasts just a few weeks or up to three months. This isn't long enough to gauge a loss that is gradual over one year. Yet, they are often pushed to get fast results.

My favorite example of positioning such a study is one that revealed salt is bad for you. Many quoted it and said, "Salt is bad for you. There's proof." Was it true? Were there health problems? Yes. Were they caused by salt with reliable results? No. Here's why. The group eating salt were people who ate a high salt diet consisting of hot dogs, pizza, potato chips, bacon,etc. They should have selected healthy individuals who lived on a healthy diet with high salt content to prove their point. They only proved that salty junk food is unhealthy.

Two views often exist side by side. To illustrate, an athlete sees his workout shirt has dried salt deposits. (Is it actually sodium chloride?) He immediately proclaims, "Look how much salt I've lost. I better replace it." A different athlete reacts, "Look how much salt I've lost. I must be eating too much. I better cut down my salt intake." Doctors who examine a controlled study will disagree as well. I had some points on Chromium picolinate based on one Doctor, but I changed my mind after doing more research. Dr. Jeukendrup agrees with a study of studies that show little to no effect on fat loss. Still, it was averaged at 1 pound of fat lost over the groups not taking chromium. That could add up to four pounds a year.. Onakpoya at Oxford. Some who touted chromium are now rather silent on the matter. Chromium supplements should be discussed with a doctor respecting any amount, especially diabetics. My interpretation of chromium in brief: High sugar diets will cause fat gain and chromium loss. Cutting out sugar will lead an active person toward weight loss. Chromium may help those individuals. Ask your doctor.

Getting the right nutrients might require only a change in diet. But, that is not always possible. While the body generally maintains the level of sodium chloride, potassium levels can get low. Should you run out and buy potassium then? If so, what kind and how many should one take? First, always calculate how much is actually needed. Second, how much are you getting?  Add the amount in your diet plus the amount in your one-a-day vitamin pill. What is the difference? 

Example: Potassium

  •              Recommended amount: 4700 mg (MNA)
  •              Dietary level (average): 2000-2500 mg
  •              Vitamin level: 0 
  •              Natural sources: Potato 900 mg, Banana 450, Kiwi (2) 430 , Spinach 420, Sweet Potato 540, Sport drink 37, Milk 382 (Ask me what I drink after a hard race.)
  •              Regular table salt: zero
  •              Lite salt (Potassium Chloride) 1/4 teaspoon 600 mg
Supplement Dangers:Potassium
"Dangerous heart rhythm problems and even cardiac arrest" is possible in some cases. Use only with the guidance of a medical doctor. May have fatal effects with certain health conditions and/or medications. Extreme care is needed with diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, and various medications "such as spironolactone." Quote from Deepak Bhatt, MD Harvard Heart Letter June 2016

Vitamin D
There's good news respecting vitamin D (d3). More than one study shows what applies to almost all supplements. Vitamin D does not cause weight loss. Vitamin D deficiency may impair fat loss, especially in the stomach or belly area. What can we base this on? One study shows women lowered their fat with vitamin D. Another showed vitamin D lowered the amount of body fat. Keep in mind this vital point: the test subjects were given a healthy diet and exercised. The supplemented amount brought their vitamin D levels to where they should be. 
Specifically, these studies used D3 oil gel caps. (not dry tablets). Natural vitamin D comes from sunlight. If you are outdoors with exposed skin you may get enough, and it's free. It is unlikely for many of us to get enough exposure especially in the winter. What about the vitamin D in my one-a-day vitamin pill, in my milk, and in my breakfast cereal? All I can suggest is that it is probably not the right type. How much money are corporations going to spend for this vitamin to be added to their product? Further, will D3 prove to be the next Chromium, touted one day and forgotten when the wind shifts to another supplement?

Recommendations among doctors, take a high dosage for 90 days to overcome a deficiency, then supplement according to daily recommended levels. 4,000 iu was used as the highest level in testing. Don't go higher. By at least 10,000 iu, there is a strong toxicity danger. More is not better.

Here's what bothers me in advertising. This is a quote from a vitamin D ad where I will not mention the company. "Shed pounds fast"," No foods are off-limit". "Fat-melting" and "You'll lose weight quickly." This ad worries me. 

Consider using a supplement that will meet your requirements. Daily amount total is around 600 iu (Institute of Medicine 400-800). Studies show overweight individuals may require 1000-2400 iu. (1000 iu = 25 mcg) IOM SummaryA doctor can run a blood test. Just because you are D deficient does not guarantee that vitamin D supplements will cause weight loss. The jury is still out. Time will tell if the current studies are tried and true.

Dr. Soares says, "Overall, there is consistent evidence that calcium and vitamin D increase whole body fat oxidation." But added that there are not defined levels of the vitamin administered and the resulting change. So, it does work, as he sees it. But, it's unclear how much benefit it brings. (I say, for 10 dollars it seems good to try. For fifty dollars, I want solid proof.)

Dr. Pathak finds little evidence in eleven studies. However, he reports that none of the testers imposed a calorie restriction, nor was there any exercise protocol. One additional study did show a decrease in fat mass for women. Again, it does not state the full parameters. How much did exercise and diet come into play?

Caffeine and Green Tea
Caffeine seems to increase fat metabolism slightly. If it helps you ride harder for a longer time, then that's an added benefit. If you need an excuse to drink coffee, this is it: Dr. Graham. For me, I just love to drink it. If you are going to drink caffeine, do so before exercise. Then, wait for it to kick in.

Green tea has health benefits that may include fat metabolism. Catechins in green tea and decaf green tea may account for greater benefits than the caffeine in coffee. One study had a weight loss of 5.5 pounds in a three months versus 3 pounds for the group without tea. Definitive proof? No. It seems to be a fairly cheap approach though. I prefer to buy a good quality of loose leaf tea.

"Fat oxidation rates, during a 30-min cycling at 60% VO2max, were significantly higher (17%) following GTE ingestion compared to placebo." Dr. Jeukendrup concluded, "Green tea has the potential to increase fat metabolism at rest, also during exercise, and may help to lose body fat and body weight. As with caffeine, the effects appear to be relatively small." Dr, Jeukendrup's article.  

Protein Powder
Whey Protein Concentrate is being haled as a weight loss aid. I much prefer egg white protein as it is very easy on my stomach. Does it reduce body fat in tests? It is difficult to say. Protein will benefit any weight training program. Is this protein in addition to a healthy diet? Is it a replacement for a meal protein like fried chicken or a cheeseburger? There's so many variables from one study to another. It quickly gets confusing. Every ad has an agenda, "Buy our product." Be careful with your health and your money. I take protein powder to get the right amount in my daily diet. The amount will differ from one person to another. It is based on muscle mass and the amount and type of daily exercise. I don't think protein will ever prove to change your fat metabolism. It may help you to eliminate saturated fats from your diet. That in itself, is a big step in the right direction.

There's no way to cheat the system of exercising and eating healthy. If you are sincerely cycling and lifting weights, you should gradually lose weight. Hopefully, Zwift enhances your exercise and increases your health. If something works for you, please share it with us at ZwiftOff. Join us for our group workouts as well.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Article 3

Exercise for Weight Loss Article 3


Muscles are where fat is burned. Muscle is the engine. The goal here is two-fold. First, we are doing Zwift indoor cycling as part of our effort to burn fat. Outdoor riding and especially hill climbs are wonderful for this goal. We need specific efforts in indoor cycling to target fat burning. We need gears and a cadence that will incorporate our strength. The second aspect is retaining and increasing muscle mass. Aerobic exercise by itself will not build the strength we want. Strength exercise, like weight lifting, prevents the body from stealing unused muscle tissue for energy, protein, and nutrients. Don't confuse thin with fit. If weight loss is mostly muscle loss rather than fat, losing fat will become more difficult.

The body does not like to burn fat. It requires more energy to convert fat into usable fuel than it does to burn simple sugars. To encourage the process of using stored body fat for fuel, we want to exercise early in the morning before eating. Our body should be using fat while we sleep and, in a true sense, we are fasting for those eight to twelve hours. This process will continue by lifting weights, cycling, and jogging. As soon as you increase your cycling or running to a high aerobic effort, you start to burn more calories than your body can provide by converting fat into fuel.

Eating right before exercise will only tell your body to burn those calories instead of using stored fat. There is a totally different approach for athletes before an intense race. Morning workouts will raise your metabolism for up to eighteen hours. Having more muscle through strength training will keep your resting metabolic rate higher too (or RMR).

Sprinting and anaerobic efforts kick your body into burning its supply of muscle glycogen. On the other hand, long endurance training can cause muscle loss. Your body may break down muscle tissue in your arms, back or chest to provide protein, energy, and nutrients to your body. This is why we need to keep calories, nutrients, and protein at the proper levels while reducing fat intake. Marathon runners and many Ironman competitors are training on the edge of what is possible. The risk of long endurance exercise includes over training, being under nourished, and suffering muscle deterioration. They may look ultra lean, but often they suffer hormone deficiencies, iron depletion, and training injuries. Leave that to the pros.

Strength training the whole body raises muscle mass. Additionally, it raises hormone levels. With sprinters, the muscle cells in their arms, shoulders, and chest store more fuel (as in carb loading) and provide more energy when needed. This is why a sprinter who uses weight training for only the leg muscles will not become a world champion. A well known sprinter is Usain Bolt. Look at his upper body muscle structure.

Weight training is necessary. You might only be able to go once a week and lift. If so, work your entire body. I prefer to go twice a week and do half my body each time. Best scenario is to do some type of weights daily, even just a few minutes with a pair of light dumbbells. Personal trainers are in the best position to access your needs. Always stick to good form, perfect form. Don't compromise form in order to lift more weights. Do the down movement slowly, eccentric movement. It is the hardest to do in a gym with other people because most don't set a good example.


Sprinters benefit when they train their entire muscle system.
Marathoners often suffer with deficient muscle mass.

Make a Schedule:

The best scenario for power cycling is sixty minutes of low intensity exercise each and every day. A good level might be something as 3 days of 45 minutes, 2 days of 20 minutes, and one day of 90 minutes, with one day open. The minimum amount of exercise is four sessions of 30 minutes each.

Make a Routine:

After getting up early a few days in a row, you will want a day to sleep in. You can skip the bike, get up late, make some coffee. But, then go for a walk outside or do 20 minutes of other exercise, such as the foundation exercise linked below. Don't let yourself get lazy. That's not an option.

If you wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off, that's a bonus. It may seem hard to do all of this regularly. It will become much easier when it becomes an ingrained habit. Many sources say it takes three to five weeks of steady behavior before our body and mind reprograms. Until then, it may fight you from time to time. Expect a setback or two, a temporary weight gain, a lack of motivation, or some other diversion. It will get easier when your program becomes a habit, the normal routine.

Preparation will help your new routine. Before going to bed, lay out your clothing for the morning. Set up the coffee maker, pack your lunch for work. Take a minute and oil your chain. Check the tire pressure. Above all, make sure you get enough sleep, at least eight hours.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Dehydration will not only hamper performance. It will hinder fat burning as well. I use filtered water with a splash of lime juice. I find I drink slightly more that way. A few more thoughts are in the article Hydration for Zwifters. During your workout, breath deeply to give your body the oxygen it needs to burn fat.

Variety is the Spice:

Keep it fresh. Change your weight routine without trying to add five pounds every workout. Find some new music on Pandora or YouTube. Enter a race, try a group ride, or do a different type of workout. Only did 3 of 6 sections? So what? Next time try to do 4. The improvement is more important than the success.

On the Bike:

You might want to ride a straight 45 to 60 minutes every day in a gear that puts your cadence under 80 rpms. Intervals break up the monotony of long segments. Please, don't use a huge gear that will make your knees ache. Everyone is different. I am giving general directions but I can not function as a personal trainer in absence. All advice has to be tailored to your level of fitness and ability. It is safest to consult a professional that will help you individually.

Here is an example of a low cadence workout:
Note the effort is in the blue zone. This is a fairly easy ride. You might want to skip the yellow and red sections. Green is medium, yellow is a bit harder. Orange is hard and red is very hard. Remember, the high levels are burning very little fat. If you are gasping for air, then your body has to burn glycogen, sugars, and carbs. 

Another example:

Note this is a very long workout. It does use the blue and green zones well. Don't forget, when you use a workout like this, you can skip ahead by hitting the tab button. Use it to shorten your warm-up or finish early.  I left the Zwift ad in there on purpose. 

Core Training, Foundation Work, and Weight Training:

I have found these videos to be of great benefit personally. There are many other programs and routines available. Check the source and their credentials. As stated everywhere: "Check with your Doctor especially regarding any health conditions you may have."

I have been taught through the Colgan Institute and reflect a lot of that in my training, diet, and advice. I am always learning more on nutrition and diet.

Foundation Starting Video

Foundation Training Daily Routine

Prone Decompression

MTSLA Playlist

Thursday, December 14, 2017

B Group Win KISS Crit series.

After feeling terrible and tanking the race last week, this was my best performance. I took 6th place. I was in a group of 10 most of the entire race. On the last lap, there was a rider in front of the pack doing almost 4 w/kg to our 3.5 to 3.7. Nobody was catching her. She went from 12 seconds to 8 and it just hung there for half of the lap. I don't know why, but I decided to sprint off after her. I caught her before the bottom of the climb on the Classique. She was with me for a minute or so. But half way up the hill, she stuttered. I couldn't afford to let the pack catch back up, so I kept going fairly hard. At he 1 k kite, I was up 8 seconds. I never believe it, prob about 4 seconds. I tried to sprint at 700 to go. With no one making ground, I coasted the last 200 or so. I felt so good, i kept on for the full hour ride. 243 for the hour is a new pr for me.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

WBR 10 Km B Fiirst (4th overall) Decent Race

It wasn't a very tough start. Just a little soft for a one lap. Past the half, 3 riders got together at the front. They started to give up around the Sprint Bridge. we caught them and I stayed up front on the Esses climb. It was a little tough keeping up through those rises. I didn't have an aero, just a feather. Used it to gain a bit of speed. Jumped early and didn't carry it all the way to the line. wound up in 5th (behind a Z power who put C down)

So, got first in B cat. Felt really good after. It would help if A cat put A in their name. I just race for the win A or B.

Love this race. Can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

article 2

Zwift for Weight Loss: Article 2

Diet and Nutrition

You need a strong drive to successfully navigate the start of a diet and exercise program. Do you have the steely mindset of a marathon runner for the long haul? Commitment is vital because all of us want to give in at some point in the first month. Are you the type of person to wade into the pool or the type who dives in? You'll want to be strict the first fifteen days to turn your body in a new direction.

Let's be clear. when the term 'Weight Loss' is used, we are actually referring to 'Fat Loss.' It is recommended to get your body fat measured. The cheapest way is to buy a scale that will estimate your body fat percentage. Even if they are not as accurate as a sports lab, they will help you monitor your fat loss. Many diets reduce weight by the loss of muscle tissue and water. This is not a successful diet or way of life. What do we want then?

Retain and Build Muscle

Muscle mass aids your metabolism. Losing muscle lowers the amount of calories needed in the daily diet. The keys to sufficient muscle structure are strength exercise, sufficient nutrients, and protein.

Reduce Dietary Fat

Merely reducing the number of calories in the diet often results only in a slower metabolism and thus, no weight loss. Of interest, eating a small excess of carbohydrates and proteins will usually temporarily increase your metabolism to burn those extra calories. Some excess will be stored in your muscle cells after daily exercise. However, there is no increased metabolism with saturated fats. I don't count calories. I look at the amount of fat, especially saturated fat. 1% milk is almost 20% fat. Coconut milk has almost 20% saturated fat. Read the labels on cheese. Ouch!

Gradual Loss for Permanent Fat Loss.

 Often two pounds a month is a good rate. Don't think that you can lose drastic weight by cutting calories in half. There are several detrimental effects of an extremely low calorie diet, defined as 1200 calories or less. Listing them:
  • A large drop in metabolism.
  • Cannibalizing of muscle tissue.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Production of the enzyme Lipoprotein Lipase, a defensive mechanism to preserve body fat.
  • A reset of your fat levels. Your body will store excess fat to a higher level whenever it becomes available.
Items to Avoid:
  •  Fried foods
  •  Preservatives and Sodium nitrates including deli meats, bacon, sausage, and ham. Just look at the ingredients in those packages of Ramen noodles.
  •  Corn syrup
  •  Junk food: soda, candy, cake, ice cream, cookies (with one exception below)
  •  Avoid alcohol.
  •  Cut out Salad dressings and Hydrogenated oils.
  •  Reduce all Saturated Fats. Choose skim milk.
  •  Choose lean meats. Turkey is a better choice than pork and beef.
  •  Eliminate, as best you can, restaurant and processed foods.
Take the Dive:
  • Try cooking with Sesame Oil. Do not to use high heat. Most oils become heat damaged. With cold foods, use Olive or Pumpkin oil in small amounts.
  • Use Honey and real Maple Syrup in place of sugar. Don't be tempted to use artificial sweeteners.
  • Use only grass-fed beef and milk, and free-range organic chicken. Try vegetarian for a bit.
  • Avoid farm-raised fish. Tilapia, Catfish, Salmon, and especially Fish from Asia are on many lists of foods to avoid.
Further down the road in this series, we can go into the evidence for these restrictions. Why so strict on meat? The problem with meat sources is corporate selected animal feed. Much of our meat source is fed junk food to fatten up as fast as possible. As an example, read these articles: Fish, and Tilapia. You may not agree with Dr. Axe. But his warnings can not be brushed aside. Let me just paraphrase a doctor who said that 'definitive proof is not available yet.' He added, 'Don't wait for that report. Act sensibly now.' Other health experts say there is sufficient evidence to make these changes.

Helpful Tips:
  • Use a smaller plate, except for a salad bowl (preferably only balsamic vinegar or lemon juice).
  • Put the veggies on your plate first, not last. Take a large serving.
  • Eat breakfast daily, preferably after morning exercise. This will keep your metabolism steady. If you lower your metabolism, weight loss will be much more difficult.
  • Buy a protein powder and use with a meal instead of a meat protein. You'll want about a 20 gram serving size. Whey protein is a good source readily found. I prefer egg white protein, such as Healthy n Fit. Egg whites are one of the best protein sources. Don't eat raw egg whites. They have a very low absorption rate. 
  • Snacks: Try to plan ahead to have a healthy snack available if needed; a kiwi, a few walnuts, or another healthy alternate. I sometimes eat frozen cherries. Be wary of snack bars that are basically candy bars with oatmeal and processed soy protein. Again, homemade is the only good choice. 
Now, it's time to fill up your shelves, fridge, and freezer with healthy choices. Put a lot of pictures on your phone of healthy food choices and meals. Scroll through those pictures when you are shopping or when you get hungry.

Make a Shopping List:
  • Special items: Bone broth, Green tea, Fat free Greek yogurt, Kombucha
  • Veggies: Peppers, Mushrooms, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Corn, Spinach. 
  • Starches: Pinto Beans, White Beans, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Hummus, Rice with a few Cashews, Green Pea Soup.
  • Flavorful: Kimchi, Salsa with corn tortillas baked in the toaster, Ginger, Hot Peppers, Scallions.
  • Snacks: Pretzels, Air-popped plain Popcorn.
  • Sweets: Fruit Smoothie (banana, cherries, blueberries), Raisins with a square of unsweetened Chocolate, Newman's Organic Prunes. (to die for), Homemade Biscotti (an occasional treat).
  • Bread: Bread isn't evil. Always choose one with simple ingredients, not a long list of chemicals and preservatives. If it comes in a can, avoid it.
Hunger is for Nutrition.

Hunger is your body seeking nutrition. It is not satisfied by just eating calories. Foods that lack nutrients will not satisfy that hunger. You may not feel like you are full when eating a bag of candy. Even when we overeat, our hunger often returns as soon as our body recognizes there is still a lack of needed nutrients.

I trust some of this will strongly benefit your successful diet.  In our next article, we will discuss your exercise program. You can find my recipe for low fat Biscotti at ZwiftOff. I'm planning a workout Zwift class starting in January. Group workouts on Zwift is growing by leaps and bounds. It would be great to workout together.

Zee Kryder

Friday, December 1, 2017

Good Stuff

Gonna redo my 30 sec and 4 min max soon.
I think a brand new tire delivers more power.
sprinting really tears up tires, while riding doesn't wear them at all.

So far I have 13 w/kg for sprint High Racer     872
9.5 w/kg 30 sec. for near elite (25 watts more!!) 655
4 min (3 at 355 and 5 at 317) Need 340 for elite level. Maybe 10 or 15 short?

Hope to refocus on sprint power soon.
there's been too many hour races since the Academy, then Crit series. January starts CVR.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Zwift and Weight Loss

Zwift for Weight Loss Article 1

To become healthy and trim, there are a lot of parts that must harmoniously fit together. Behold, the beginning of a beautiful friendship: Zwift and weight loss. Zwift started as a way for cyclists to train through the winter. The focus shifted to racing and high performance training. However, Zwift is a powerful tool for weight loss.

 How long have you fought that tummy without results? Sit-ups accomplished nothing? Carb-free diets fail The high fat diet? Fad diets are insane, even dangerous. Yet, we blame ourselves when it fails. Failure is almost never a lack of desire. Usually, something is missing in the diet and exercise plan. 

The main driving force of weight loss is exercise. Every diet without exercise is going to fail at some point. Or worse, it will make you ill and malnourished. Zwift cycling and running can take you where you need to be. Let's lay the foundation to a healthy you. Losing weight is not about starvation, eating excessive amounts of celery, obsessive calorie counting, or prepackaged foods. My neighbor fed her supply to the squirrels. They wouldn't eat it either.

This is article is one of a series on weight loss. This series will focus on preparation for our start, a program to begin weight loss, maintaining our weight, and tips for overall health and fitness.

Prepare for Liftoff

1. Set a Date. I will address another article before we start in earnest. Pick a day when you can set aside enough time to have a successful start with two hours set aside in the morning. Not a two hour workout, just two hours free and clear to start the day right.

2. Be Reasonable. Our goals, expectations, and schedule should be what we can do, not based on an ad. Don't schedule four hour daily workouts or half marathons with some unreachable high weekly goal. I would suggest a six day schedule with one day as an off day. Notice, I did not say inactive. If you schedule morning workouts, then try to walk ten minutes outside before dinner or a work break. Enjoy your rest time. Hear the birds, smell the grass, watch the sunset. This type of video may prove valuable: Hawaiian Sunset . 

Enjoy the new active you. Be serious. I drove past a sign that reads, "Fitness Boot Camp." We don't need military boot camp. Be flexible. Perhaps one or two days are a tight squeeze. So schedule 45 minutes most days, and 15 minutes on your hectic days. Overall, make your plans sensible, enjoyable, and achievable. 

3. The Circle of Life. Who will be you support? Friends and family can cheer you on if you set up a blog or some social media link. Group workouts, rides, and races on Zwift will be a great benefit and you can build some friends.We will make your site a valuable tool for inspiration. As an example, here's a great artist's website: Yuki Karo. So serene.

4. Forget your past mistakes.Think of past diets like old boyfriends. Absolve yourself. Blame the diet. We are starting a healthy life. Don't expect perfection or super-fast weight loss. Permanent weight loss is a gradual process.

5. Identify one of your eating weaknesses. Is it a candy bar or ice cream? Maybe it's that salted caramel vodka. Put some duct tape around it and label it with either a date or a goal. For example, you can label it "Minus 5 pounds." Practice self-control.

I am building a group to work together on Zwift Cycling for weight loss. It will lend emotional support as well as share success. Please, come and visit the new ZwiftOff Group page. Share your story or come to read my secret to stop that snacking ritual.

What's your starting date going to be? Let the countdown begin.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Crazy Busy Race Update

Wow, I totally forgot to post my last few races.

Race 1 was Oct 30 Zwift Crit series Race 1.6 laps Classique I came in an amazing 3rd place. Rachael Elliot won of course. I stuck it out until the third lap. Gave up the ghost. I recovered on laps 4 and 5. Eventually before the finish a few other caught me. Nobody pushed the pace, so I tagged on and sprinted with pu and took sprint easily.

Race 2 was Nov 6 Zwift Crit Race 2. Six laps classiqueI was in front. Rachael was fast. I let her go. Before the 2 km mark, everybody disappeared and it was a long solo blind time trial. I wound up going pretty slow after I knew it was not going to restore before final. Finished in 7th. Blah.

Race 3 was Stage 1 of the Tour de Zwift. Road to Ruins course. I picked A race rather than B. I stayed with top dogs and lost just 3 seconds or so over the big hill. I decided to hang with 2 other s that got left behind as well. Did really good to hang until the lap counter and the long uphill.After that some B riders passed me. The second group, I had recovered and sprinted and caught on. It was not an easy ride, lots of spikes at certain points. Amazingly, hung on to finish. Sprinted too early for men's pack. I won at the 300 to go mark, and then the lights went out and everyone got by me before the line. My fault. No pu. Thought someone would catch me and I could latch on, but I got hung out to dry. I'm def not used to a pack sprint. I knew it was wrong but I just meant to go to 400 watts but legs kicked into high gear at 500+ and it was too late to back down. Didn't matter. Fun on the new course. No results yet, maybe Monday. Came in 22nd live results of 38 A. Total 564 in race#1.

Waiting results:
live 22nd place

Monday, October 30, 2017

Z TAZ 10-21 Sooo much fun

So busy lately, I forgot to post my results.
I got up at 3:30 am for this race.
When I got home from work, I fell asleep hard.
I came in 4th! But, only 4 did all three races.
Still, this is hard for a B rider. Just to get to the third race is very difficult.

race 1: 7th of 11 riders. But 4 didn't finish. So, last place.
good wattage 260 watts
race 1

race 2: 6th place of 9. Only 7 finished (not last place!)
240 watts
race 2

race 3: much better than last time (190)
222 watts 8th place of 15 riders. Again, 9 finished.
I passed 3 riders and I saw that when they knew they
were in last place and losing ground, they dropped out.
It took me three of four laps to catch and pass 9th place rider.
race 3

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Last Day of Academy Months 1 and 2 (Ready for 3!)

Winding it up with the last ride Friday at 4. I will probably post my top 10 nominees this weekend.
Here's my bests (a few for September were close to best from July and August)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ODZ 4th place (but felt awful)

I almost logged out before race started. I saw only 20 riders, so I decided I would just time trial and stay ahead of c riders. But, the pace was never too high. We split in half esp at the first climb on volcano crit lap. then 7 of us. But on the second climb, there were 4 of us and when torres put in a little dig, I stuck to her wheel and the 2 others fell off. I rode a bit but I think Torres found out at the end of the third lap that I wasn't tucking in to save power. I was struggling and eventually she pulled away and I just knew I couldn't sprint and drift for two more laps. It's easy with 4 or more riders. With 2, you might want to dump them if they aren't working with you. I wanted to. Because I knew the 3 girls behind us would not slow down to pick me up. They would naturally want to pass right by me. By that point, it didn't matter too much. My legs were hurting. They certainly weren't my legs.
did you see me today?
Yep, that's me today.
I'm lucky to have done 3.2 w/kg. Couldn't even sprint today.
Yesterday, a Queen.
I'll be putting up challenges and races soon as Academy part 2 is over.
Check back here or my Strava.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Women's Race Results 2017 Academy

Here's the women's race series leaders (for two races)
(position in top two races) points 1st 10, 2nd 9, 3rd 8 points, etc

1 Z Calla (1+1) 20 points (flagged in race during Academy)
2 Hildonen (1+2) 19 points
3. Tracy (1+2) 19 points
4 Green (1+3) 18 points
5 Amelia (2+3) 17 points
6 Vanetti (2+4) 16 points
7 Sumerfield (3+4) 15 points
8 Z Kryder (4+4) 14 points
9 Gertzuma (2+ ?6?) 14 points  Loncaric
10 Bullock (2+7) 13 points
11 Conabeare (5+5) 12 points
12 L. Loncaric (3 + 8) 11 points
13 All single race winners at 10 points

All Women's Academy Races:
Race 1 Calla (45 entrants) 1 results
Race 2 S. Hildonen (24) 2 results
Race 3 Hay Dixon (16) 3 results
Race 4 Whitelaw (30) 4 results
Race 5 J. Abbott (36) unofficial L Regenmorter credit 5 results
Race 6 K Simpson (20) 6 results
Race 7 Z Calla (50) 7 results
Race 8 C Baldi (37) 8 results
Race 9 Laura (24) 9 results
Race 10 S Javakhyan (37) 10 results
Race 11 A Cameron (31) NC results
Race 12 C Tracy (20) 12 results
Race 13 K. Green (47) 13 results
Race 14 Natasha (69) 14 results
Race 15 C Draijer (26) 15 results
Race 16 M Tallent (48)  16 results
Race 17 C Torres (17) 17 results
Race 18 M Wilkinson (24) 18 results
Race 19 R. Baran (17) 19 results

Last Workout #6

This was my last workout planned at full effort.
Effort 20 @ 236 (goal 230) gear 52 x 18 perfect
4 @ 258, 4 @ 265, 4 @ 275 avg 266 (goal 265) gear 52 x 17 was tight - maybe 54 x 18 is better
1 @ 308, 1 @ 303, 1 @ 314, 1 @ 307 (avg 308) 1 @ 385 avg 5 = 316 (goal 300 )
workout score was 106 over scheduled 92 (not sure how #'s count (zwift tss was 110 so similar to 106)

picture is file graph of some intervals from training plan: (watts on left side/heart rate on right side)

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Motivation for Week 6 of Academy

Fav shirt: This expression is from Tim whenever he was coaching Jesper Anker's Zwift races.
I think I need to play his commentary during one of my races.
Actually, I want this painted somewhere on the new course (the forest of Arenberg?)

Butts Don't Lie (Sprinter's Can't Climb)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

ODZ 6th Place!

Very good race, but not as great as I should have been. will analyze pace after work.

Ok, back from work 9 hours later. Tired legs. I was looking at the start. Someone said they saw the 6 or 7 of us got a gap and we were gone up the road before they could get on. Exactly. This is dumping as many riders as you can. Packs, even 3 people move really fast on Zwift. I lost the wheel on the third lap climb and couldn't catch them once it got flat. They were up the road so quickly. To get in that lead group, I jumped right away about 6 w/kg for 20 seconds, then when there were 4 or more, we settled into a pace, all the way to the Esses hill. That is always hard. I got in the front and rode at about 4.5 w/kg. gotta do it or get left behind.

I actually rode a top 30 minute ride. The pace was rarely even. Lots of jumping around, which means light pedal for a few seconds, then jumping at 4 to 5 w/kg to keep on. I know its killing time for me when I'm stuck near the back and I have to keep these spurts of speed to keep closing the 2 or 3 meter gap. I didn't know in the last half a lap that I was chasing a rider on a time trial bike. I tried to gas it in the last minute. I had good speed, avg 50 kph, but my legs just sprinted in spurts.
See: This is the last 50 seconds of the race. At least I didn't give up...ever in this race.