Sunday, November 19, 2017

Zwift and Weight Loss

Zwift for Weight Loss Article 1

To become healthy and trim, there are a lot of parts that must harmoniously fit together. Behold, the beginning of a beautiful friendship: Zwift and weight loss. Zwift started as a way for cyclists to train through the winter. The focus shifted to racing and high performance training. However, Zwift is a powerful tool for weight loss.

 How long have you fought that tummy without results? Sit-ups accomplished nothing? Carb-free diets fail The high fat diet? Fad diets are insane, even dangerous. Yet, we blame ourselves when it fails. Failure is almost never a lack of desire. Usually, something is missing in the diet and exercise plan. 

The main driving force of weight loss is exercise. Every diet without exercise is going to fail at some point. Or worse, it will make you ill and malnourished. Zwift cycling and running can take you where you need to be. Let's lay the foundation to a healthy you. Losing weight is not about starvation, eating excessive amounts of celery, obsessive calorie counting, or prepackaged foods. My neighbor fed her supply to the squirrels. They wouldn't eat it either.

This is article is one of a series on weight loss. This series will focus on preparation for our start, a program to begin weight loss, maintaining our weight, and tips for overall health and fitness.

Prepare for Liftoff

1. Set a Date. I will address another article before we start in earnest. Pick a day when you can set aside enough time to have a successful start with two hours set aside in the morning. Not a two hour workout, just two hours free and clear to start the day right.

2. Be Reasonable. Our goals, expectations, and schedule should be what we can do, not based on an ad. Don't schedule four hour daily workouts or half marathons with some unreachable high weekly goal. I would suggest a six day schedule with one day as an off day. Notice, I did not say inactive. If you schedule morning workouts, then try to walk ten minutes outside before dinner or a work break. Enjoy your rest time. Hear the birds, smell the grass, watch the sunset. This type of video may prove valuable: Hawaiian Sunset . 

Enjoy the new active you. Be serious. I drove past a sign that reads, "Fitness Boot Camp." We don't need military boot camp. Be flexible. Perhaps one or two days are a tight squeeze. So schedule 45 minutes most days, and 15 minutes on your hectic days. Overall, make your plans sensible, enjoyable, and achievable. 

3. The Circle of Life. Who will be you support? Friends and family can cheer you on if you set up a blog or some social media link. Group workouts, rides, and races on Zwift will be a great benefit and you can build some friends.We will make your site a valuable tool for inspiration. As an example, here's a great artist's website: Yuki Karo. So serene.

4. Forget your past mistakes.Think of past diets like old boyfriends. Absolve yourself. Blame the diet. We are starting a healthy life. Don't expect perfection or super-fast weight loss. Permanent weight loss is a gradual process.

5. Identify one of your eating weaknesses. Is it a candy bar or ice cream? Maybe it's that salted caramel vodka. Put some duct tape around it and label it with either a date or a goal. For example, you can label it "Minus 5 pounds." Practice self-control.

I am building a group to work together on Zwift Cycling for weight loss. It will lend emotional support as well as share success. Please, come and visit the new ZwiftOff Group page. Share your story or come to read my secret to stop that snacking ritual.

What's your starting date going to be? Let the countdown begin.

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