Saturday, June 27, 2020

First Win!

I actually won a race. Of course, I've won several other races, big ones included, but this was a mixed race, or rather, I was the only girl among the guys. I thought I would be super proud but I am more of a bit surprised. It still hasn't sunk in yet, winning out of a field of 23. Most of the race was spent worrying that I would get dropped. I barely stayed on the tail at the opening gun. The only place I did good was on the second half of the hill, I would surge to the front and cross the prime line first.

I also had a time trial win but you don't know until its over as it wasn't a side by side time trial. So, knowing there was a 'leader' named "age 6" was off the front at almost 6 w/kg meant that our pack of ten were fighting for the sprint win. I couldn't afford to wait too long. Someone jumped at 600 or 700 to go and I knew that was too early. They faded and I passed them with 200 to go. I kept my power over 600 until I hit the line. I didn't want to get sniped at the line by coasting too early. In fact, I did 10 w/kg for 15 seconds. That's good for end of twenty minutes of racing. The pace wasn't as bad as some other races, thanks to not having any A's in the mix. All I can say is "Finally". This was what we tried to do at Team Fearless when it first started. But, the administrators went a different direction.

Looking at Sunday's race (which this was suppose to be prep for) I don't worry about how I will finish. I got this in the bag and that's better than finishing 6th in a six week major event race. I'll still give it my best shot. But today was 8 laps of Crit City and that is just over the 20 minute mark. Perfect. I will always remember this win.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

DIRT Stage 4

Long and hard with two climbs in the middle. I ran it hard for the first 10 minutes, first five really hard. I stayed with the first group almost to the climb, lost the second group and stuck with the third over the climb for a second time. From there we strung along for a bit. I can't remember too much but I found myself staying with three or four riders going up the last climbs. I hit it hard on the last little hill before the downhill finish and put about 20 seconds into them. Once I was over the hill with a good gap, all I had to do was just keep my speed up till it flattened out. I finished fast and had my second fastest time. That despite two slow climbs but I needed to conserve a bit more energy. Not in as good of shape lately for endurance racing.

Next week should be much better if I can stick with the lead group in Crit City.

Today on Strava: race on strava

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Dirt Stage 3

This was a tough course even though it was shorter at 25 km. I stayed with the front group until the climb, but that left 10 minutes or so to flounder up the hill. I only got passed by a few people. Of them, I surged past them at the end except for one person. So I finished fairly well although bleeding time the entire hill, losing like two minutes. I still had a good last minute up the hill.

Overall, I went from 13th to ninth but that's mostly because a few riders dropped out and one did A level. Sorry, but I don't care to include B riders who can race with A power, even if just once or twice. Maybe I should be glad that I never hit A power in my best race. Because that would hang over my head for several months (lol, my best was about two years ago i would say.)

Sorry this is posted late and just brief but I wasn't really happy with my climb at all. This week's race,  Stage 4 is even harder at 28km of ups and downs but sometimes the downhills give me just enough rest to keep going. Pump 8 here I come. Anybody else want to drop out?

Sunday, June 7, 2020

DIRT Stage 2

Well, it went good for the lead in, I was right there, sweating bullets. The pace was brutal as expected with 5 A riders, several riding at 5 w/kg. Lap one and two were fine, but very fast. Last race we did 7:20 lap times, today was 7:02 and 7:04. I started to survive half a lap by falling off the back and popping right back on. I couldn't sustain it for the whole lap. Off at 33rd place.

I had a minute and a half gap, too small against a pack of 20 or so riders. They caught me on Horse Hill and I kept it in the draft. It was hard work. I tried to calm down and I was anxious and rearing to sprint. I sped up at 500 meters, hit hard at 300 and drafted two leaders. I managed a spurt at 150 at 11 w/kg and by 50 had nosed ahead. I WON! and by the narrowest of margins once again. Same opponents from last week too. 0.1 and 0.2 last week, 0.2 and 0.5 this week. Whew. Actually I'm amazed as I can't remember beating the guys in a sprint before last week's race. Usually I go too early

In the league, I would have been 10th last week as half the field (22nd officially) didn't return. This week I lost three spots to 13th (not counting one rider who did 4.2 w/kg the whole race. Although I guess he's locked into B status to be fair. He did 4.2 w/kg last week also.) Next week will show my weakness, a long flat before the hills. We'll try but I don't expect much as to results. Don't give up though. There's only 28 of us left