Monday, January 21, 2019


DIY Training Camp

Maybe you don't have the time or resources to head to Mallorca for a week (or Calpe for you Cameron watchers). There are still Zwifty ways to have a high training volume week that will start off your season preparations with a bang.

Training camp is a base-building week. However, to start making improvements you need more training stress, not just more hours or miles. What sort of training stress do you do now? On Zwift or Strava, simply add up your TSS scores for the weeks prior to camp. The average weekly total should help you determine how much more you are capable of for a full week. Plan to increase your TSS total for this week by 50 to 100%. You will need to have endurance stress and VO2 Max efforts, generally intense 3 to 8 minute intervals. Some coaches include shorter intervals as well as sprints. You need to weigh whether sprinting is part of your weekly routine or early season goals.

Zwift It Up

Here's a few suggestions:
1. Combine Zwift with some winter challenges such as cross-country skiing or steep hill hikes.

2. Plan a training camp weekend. Include a base effort (sweet spot levels are at your FTP or slightly under) and an interval session on the first day. Do a fairly long workout on the second day, perhaps The Four Horsemen or the Pretzel on Watopia.

3. Fire up your engines an entire week for the complete experience. Train for two consecutive days and rest on the third. Sunday and Monday-train, Tuesday rest, Wednesday and Thursday- train, Friday- rest, Saturday and Sunday- train. Follow it up with a massage. Think of an early morning session before work and a longer session after work on your training days.

Workout selection should be done in advance. There are many workouts to choose from on Zwift. You can pick out of this selection from Tailwind Coaching. I'm sure they would love to help you further as well. Base workouts are Early Base Grab Bag, Aerobic Round Robin, and ME Specialty. Interval workouts are Over Unders, Minute Man, and Three + Thirty.

Here's a nice week of training based on the Zwift Coaches Challenge:

Group workouts on Zwift can help keep your motivation going. Working as a team definitely has advantages. You might also search for group rides among the many Zwift groups on Facebook. One example is Feel free to plug your groups in the comments below.

Set a date soon. Spring is coming.

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