Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Testing Time

When was the last time you tested yourself? It's a good idea to pick a testing strategy early in your winter training and repeat it during your approach to your main racing season. All workouts with power meters are usually based on your FTP number.

What is FTP?
Functional Threshold Power is the determined number of watts you can do for an hour at a full effort. Training levels are then established by a percentage of your FTP number.

Theoretically, the test should be a sixty minute all out test. Except that few riders could follow this protocol successfully. It is considered the hardest mental discipline in cycling. You might get an estimate from a race lasting sixty minutes or more. However, either use a flat course or ride uphill (like the Alp on Zwift). The only other option is to run a Zwift race for this effort and continue to push your watts downhill without coasting.

Estimated FTP Tests

The golden standard is a twenty minute test. There are two official FTP tests in your Zwift workout selection. Both of these tests feature a twenty minute section that will show on screen the current average wattage. This is most helpful when repeating the test or when a specific target is your approach.

Another approach is two eight minute intervals. This is a standard used by CTS Training and Trainer Road. Chris Carmichael recommends this as the best test for novices. CTS have a complete explanation on their website : Carmichael Training Systems are very knowledgeable and respected. Basically, after a long warm-up, start with a fast yet increasing tempo for the first minute, ride steady for six minutes, and put in a full minute of extra power to conclude. After resting for ten minutes, repeat the eight minute interval. Your aim is to have the first be your more powerful effort with the second effort equal or 95% of the first effort's wattage. A repeat of the test is later done to see if you can ride the second effort to match the first, rather than going harder in the first interval. CTS says a stronger second effort on the first test usually indicates a poor warm-up.

Zwift Academy used the two 12 minute interval approach. Simply open the Zwift 2018 Academy Semi Final workouts and choose this test. Each 12 minute interval will show your average during your effort. Today's Plan Coaches say that the first 12 minute effort should be a target to reach when planning a 20 minute test, after several weeks of targeted training. They have worked with Zwift during the Zwift Academy competitions, providing workouts throughout.

The Ramp test is a short and sweet approach. Often called a Step Test. It is increasing wattage until failure, that's the sweet part. Shane Miller has set up one for you. There's a video on his page which will explain it and help you do the math afterward. Lama's Step Test. These step tests differ from coach to coach. Miller uses two and a half minute sections. Others use four minutes. The most accurate I have found is the Sisyphus Step Test. It is done in one minute increases of 5 watts (16 to 18 minutes), rest, one minute increases of 10 watts (8 or 9 minutes), rest, and finally one minute increases of 20 watts (4 to 6 minutes). The results are averaged and your FTP should be 90%.

For the bold and serious, Full Frontal is the best way to test and torture yourself at the same time. Here is GCN's Dan Lloyd doing the test to start his ten week get-into-shape training. Video-How Fit Can Dan Get? This is a Sufferfest innovation. To do it, there are two five second sprints, a five minute maximal effort, a twenty minute endurance effort aimed at your current FTP number, followed by an all-out one minute test. Try it on the light side first, to gain experience before an full-powered assault. It is as hard as they say, intense. You won't want to repeat it too often. Even experienced cyclists have failed to finish this hour of agony.

To do the Full Frontal on Zwift, I recommend using two of the tests from the 2018 Zwift Academy; Extensive Anaerobic One Minute and Max Aerobic Four Minute. Hit the 'tab' button to skip to the section just before the test. Use the tests for a full four minute effort, the twenty minute FTP test, and the one minute effort. Don't forget your five second sprints.

Love them or hate them, these tests yield reliable answers to your fitness level as expressed in watts. For best results, don't test too often. Use several weeks of training to reach your next goals. Ride on!

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