Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Win Mini-Crit WKG

 While this was my third mixed win, it was my first overall win over a few A riders! Even though I theoretically finished second, I had a heart monitor and took the win. I was 0.04 seconds behind. I never won over anything but the B cat. I'm going to savor this one. But for now, the focus is just on keeping ready for the final in the Wyn series Monday.

I have a 20 minute race friday around the volcano. Saturday, a race up the volcano. Monday, the final time trial which should be around eleven minutes again. This is the second time we've run this course. Working on a 36 second buffer. Just need the bike to hold up. I feel primed and ready to go. I averaged 267 in this race and felt the early pace was comfortable. The effort on the hill was severe. I got gapped just a hair and found myself back by two or three seconds to the lead three. I put in a short ten second burst and caught them in the sprint wiondow. I held on for dear life and started my sprint about 400 meters out hoping to burn them off my wheel with a feather as I didn't have an aero. 

Beautiful race. Very happy and thankful.


Monday, March 29, 2021

Wyn Time Trial #5 of 6

Today's challenge is Lutece Express, the Champs Elisse in reverse with a long lead-in. It is about a fifteen minute jaunt, so it won't be easy. But, it could build a buffer to insure the win overall. If I can just hit my racing stride. I'll be going all out in this one. This is more like the Queen stage as next week will be shorter and affect the standings a bit less. Let's hope I can get a minute up on the competition. I am psyched right now just before the event. 

I got off to a great start but then three of my competitors busted out up the road. After the lead in, I kept them from gaining more ground. Wow, I can't believe how hard they hit me. i got worried I would lose ground the whole way. I almost caught Lee at the finish line. But, she kept just out of reach. Overall, I am happy with my wattage at just a watt over 4.0. Hopefully my lead of 37 seconds overall will hold up through next week's final. I just have to prevent any disasters. I felt really good today. It was a toughie.

Today: Bergkamp 15:12/ Lee 15:21//Kryder 15:22//Williams 15:32//White 15:49

Overall 5/6

Kryder       59:24

Bergkamp 60:01

Williams    60:42

Lee           60:43

White        61:04

Monday, March 22, 2021

Wyn Time Trial Series Week 4

The competition came out swinging with over 50 watts higher than ever. Perhaps the Tacx bug or a simple miscalibration. So, I got beat badly today. I did good for my numbers, just couldn't match those super human ones at almost 7 w/kg for over a minute as I watched my competition open up a 15 second gap and hold it the rest of the way. 

The course was so short, I never really caught my breath from the opening gun. It was still fun. I just couldn't understand how I was left behind in the dust. I only regained one second with a good sprint finish.

Lee 11:01//Kryder 11:15//Bergkamp 11:34//Williams 11:34//White 11:39

1. Kryder       44:02
2  Bergkamp  44:49
3 Williams     45:10
4 White          45:15
5 Lee              45:22
 Gianni           53:54
Saxoni            57:11

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Wyn time Trial Series Week 3 (3/6)

This was a tough little short race with part of the reverse climb in the Two Bridges Loop. I rode it twice to get familiar with the layout. Pretty simple if you know the reverse hilly loop. I went out hard again to get up to speed quickly. then the entire A men's group passed me and one gal who was in the men's B division. So I just kept pumping hard up the climb and into a 500 meter sprint to finish at 11:00.00 on screen with a 10:59 on ZP. Great to nudge under that perfect 11.  I just barely beat some of the competition to get a 5 and 30 second bonus. Trying to hang onto that podium spot. 

EDIT: Looks like a few people missed stage 3. I'm on top but we are only at the middle. I find I do better on hilly than flat time trials. Will fight to the end, that's a promise. 

Best times of the day...

Kryder 10:59///Bergkamp 11:05//Williams 11:15//Lee 11:27//White 11:29 


1. Kryder        32:47

2. Bergkamp   33:15

3.White           33:36

4. Williams     33:36

5. Lee             34:21

6. Martinson   36:46

7. Gianni        40:17

8. Saxoni        42:50

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Wyn Time Trial Series Week # Two

 A tough race to build time over the competitors in the series. The Bell Lap course times three laps was so short. I tried to hit it hard, especially the hill climb. I did pretty good the first two laps being about the same. Then I hit the last lap pretty hard averaging over 300 with the final sprint included. I went from around 80th place to 57th with my finishing minute effort.

I won my heat! Last week's winner didn't show up. So unless she races in the next two heats, I should move up from fifth to fourth overall. 

Spicer 8:23//Kiely 8:29//Deubel 8:35//Kryder 8:37//Bergkamp 8:39//Williams 8:43//Whte 8:53

(Brewer raced an 8:28 but in the men's A division. This may exclude her from future results)


1 Brewer       xx:xx

2 Spicer        21:18

3 Kiely          21:37

4 Kryder       21:48

5 Deubel       22:03

6 White         22:07

7 Bergkamp  22:10

8 Williams     22:21

9 Lee              22:54

10 Bohn         24:07

Friday, March 5, 2021


It all starts with, 'I had this idea.' which grows into, 'Why not?' and continues to evolve into a full blown race scenario. The idea? Nine time trials in a row, one for every world on Zwift. The real reason for the course is not to win the jersey but to get an official time stamp. Only one course on Richmond, on Crit City, in Paris, in New York, on Bologna, on Yorkshire, on London, and Innsbruck will do that. For Watopia, the orange jersey is for the Hilly Route. (Volcano circuit and Jungle circuit will also get a time stamp. But we all know, the orange jersey is where its at.)

The rules? Time trial bikes only. Forward or reverse...doesn't matter. In any order, on one day. Ride as fast as you can, it's a time trial remember. You will have to jump into an event for Bologna and Crit City. Plan them carefully. The rest, you can hack or plan a meet-up if you must.

Racing all Nine Worlds of Zwift on their respective 'Orange Jersey' Course is a challenge I was wary of. I'm not built for endurance somehow. Sprinting Crit City , easy. Innsbruck long climb, well that's what probably broke me.

I started on Bologna, fine. Then Paris squeezed in with a minute to spare to drop into Crit City. I raced Watopia's Hilly Route. Four laps, four jerseys. Innsbruck was a bear. I took a break after, changing into dry clothes. (I sweat, not pretty)Richmond was next, riding easy until the last three hills. London was 7 on the list with only New York and Yorkshire to finish. But after Fox Hill, my legs both cramped. Bad, hard cramps. It took me a few minutes just to get off my bike. 

It just wasn't worth the risk of trying to complete the London course or the other two courses. If I had skipped Innsbruck, I could have finished the other eight. But I wanted to knock out the longest before I was too tired.

I hope someone will try this and set the bar for others. It comes to about 100 km all totaled. I probably went too hard on the first four courses. But, I didn't want to simply cruise around for six hours either. It got me to do more than the two hour limit I seem to have. Hopefully, I'll recover and race hard Monday. 

PS I'm a bit more bummed than I expected to be. I was going so fast too. It's a shame I didn't finish but I just didn't have the time after I recovered.

EDIT: Please see a more recent post where I did complete all nine courses! 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Wyn Time Trial Series Week 1/6

Week one: I had a great start in the first position! After 30 seconds or so, the A guys did catch and pass. I wanted to hit it hard until the early downhill. It worked well. I had a competitor pass me on the end of the first lap going 5 w/kg. I did good at 275 watts, just a hair over the 272 I need to hit 4 w/kg. In the end, I lost by 11 seconds.Two girls broke 13 minutes on the Queen's Highway course of Yorkshire.

Brewer 12:46//Spicer 12:55//McIver 13:00//Kiely 13:08//Kryder 13:11 (fifth overall)//White 13:14

I'll be tracking the top 24, basically all between 13-15 minutes this week. One event done out of six total.