Saturday, November 21, 2020

What's Next?

So, I didn't reach my goal of A rider this year either. But, I did grab a whole bunch of personal bests, all the short efforts except the one minute which was an out of the park home run two years ago. I came close, 11 watts off.  I recently finished the Zwift Tri bike workouts and they were great. I should revisit them and go a bit harder. I still need a goal. 

Can't wait for the WC's on December 9.(EDIT: Goody, Zwift added a Nationals on the weekend of December 5 and 6! The bad news is 50 km long. Its almost been two years since the last Nationals at 60 km. So, we will give it a shot. I have a chance at least) I have found my niche with the 30 second to 2 minute efforts. Do I want to improve there? or add that talent to short races. (Wah! I love Bologna but never get a chance to race it) I discovered too in training I don't do that well with five minute interval workouts. But, do laps of Volcano circuit and I punch them out one at a time lap after lap. It's a visual thing. Same thing with 8 minute intervals. Poorly done until I ride Volcano climb three times. 

For training, I have a few time trials, a few workouts, and I can throw in a few races (I did terrible in my first post academy race, going out too hard and crawling along to the finish from 20-40  I wonder what Zwift has in store next? I need something new soon. It was such a disappointment when they cancelled Switzerland. I couldn't wait to see if some of my additions were included. I still hope, even with just a glimmer of hope, that it will come back. How can Zwift trash all that hard work?

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Academy Finish and Segment #2 Winners

     It's Segment #2 the final of two segments and two races finished. I already graduated and 'won' the 30 second title. (Someone posted an unworldly 889 today which is 200 watts over top pro level and I will not believe this new number isn't a powerful glitch.) I'm headed back into more serious training although I would love another attack on the one minute effort...the only effort I need to beat my 2018 academy numbers.

     My goal today was to hit the hill hard and not worry about the full two minute effort. I ran a 1:46.85! and I did set a personal best at two minutes by over 13 watts. With a power-up I could have hit 1:45 no doubt. It felt great. My lungs were heaving and my legs were pumped. I beat my previous best of 1:54. But, I'm not the fastest (top ten...hell yes). Here's what I found: I'll have to edit in the late Sunday times.

Forward Hill:

A. Lethbridge/ J. Godbe, K. Curi, K. McCarthy @1:43

Greenwood, Bauerfiend, Coates, Hering              @1:44

Conyers, Clutterbuck                                             @1:45

Kryder, Nata                                                            @1:46

Vine, Wayland, Nyguen                                          @1:47

(see also )

Below is my original list

Kate McCarthy 1:43 (

E. Herring / Bauernfeind / Trommer / Greenwood 1:44

Kryder / MacRustie 1:46

EDIT: Just got this from Zwift:

Epic Times:

Hering 21:39

Webb 21:49 

Sydlik 22:00

Moakley 22:04

Bullock 22:06

Kagstrom 22:11

Pennington 22:19

Top times for the Volcano:

McCarthy 6:57

Bullock 6:59

Sydlik / Greenwood 7:05

Moakley 7:06