Saturday, July 25, 2020

QOM Paris Champs Elysees

I can't resist the temptation to grab a queen on a new route. So I jumped onto Paris through an event, quit and rode on my time trial bike. I did a fairly long warm up and aimed around a holdable 4 w/kg. I did a sprint on the mini climb and kept energy in reserve for the grind and the approach to the line. I finished with a 4.2 average for 9:41. Strava data

Now, I know a few things. 1 Very few people have aimed for this and 2, nobody with A cat wattage has attempted this yet. (I've never hit A cat wattage for 20 minutes though two years ago I came within a few watts) But, a win is a win. Sure somebody will beat this but not for a few weeks maybe. I just hope I pass the queen to a real top rider like a pro or something rather than a weight doper doing a speedy workout. But, that's Strava. For now, it will hold  and be part of my accolades.

So, for my next challenge, I'm thinking all ten worlds time trial. It might take a while to hit them all, especially Bologna with so few races. And I hate Innsbruck being so long. I don't even know what course is the orange jersey for France? I've only ridden Ventoux, skipped the other events. I will start where I left off in March with most already finished. I just need Crit City and France time trialed.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Dirt Stage 5 and 6

Stage 5 went pretty good. I was at the front for all of 8 laps and fell off for 9. I only lost a minute riding the last two laps solo. It was a fun race but having just won my first mixed race (well, I won a time trial but it had different start times so it isn't like winning a sprint). I sat in 5th place overall.

Stage 6 would see me start horribly, climb the volcano with a good time 8:30 and then basically just dead, like 180 watts instead of 230 watts. Legs were just useless as I climbed the reverse epic hill in a sprint to stay under 30 at 29:55. The finish line was just before the tower turn. Overall, I lost two places having lost 6 minutes and finishing dead last for the day. I finished 7th of 9 riders in the overall for all six weeks. I do not count the winner as he has had 4 races at the A level although technically, he qualified as a B with only one A performance and ZP rules are three. But, really once you qualify for A, switch. Officially, I was listed in 9th place which is good for as many people signed up for the first race. GC 6 Stages

But, I feel a bit burned out since last week. I really felt great week one. I think what was hard was mixing in short races with a much longer endurance race. Maybe old age is just getting me or the fact that I quit the gym permanently.(My husband is a high-risk for covid so I don't want to risk exposing myself and bring it it home.)

Looking forward to France this Saturday. I think I will quit the race and either just do a lap or if I feel my legs, I will climb Mont Ventoux all the way. I need to finish my Alp d' Huez. I'm at 94 ascents right now.