Sunday, July 30, 2017

Toughest Workouts Zwift Academy Threshold Pulling 6 X 4

Well,  pushed a little too hard on #4, tried to recover on 5 and really hurt on 6. so, I rode a little, then started to quit, then did a minute effort and still finished segment at 246 (within 255 range) So, basically a fail. But, great if i was pushing hard in a race - would leave you in the dust. (Ha) :)

Pushing too hard helps me learn my limits. I could do 6 at 255.

Intervals set at 255
258 (low gear)
263 (big gear for the rest)
246 (with 386 one minute effort)
avg around 264 (261 with all 6)

54 X 17 a bit big and 54 X 19 too small.
52 x 17 would be about right (or 54 x 18)

avg interval 3.88 w/kg range 3.75 - 4.04 (not too shabby)

Friday, July 28, 2017

EVR Race Watopia Figure 8

35th place. B-cat 16th place, which isn't too bad as I haven't done a long race or a popular race in a long time, esp. with the power meter instead of z power. But, learning what I can do with real power (estimated power was a lot easier, but I have to learn all new numbers now)

I burned at the start, first minute at 353 watts and 300 for five minutes. Really good.
Stayed with leaders until Reverse Hill, where i was out of breath, tried to recover a bit and rode with a B group until the sprint reverse. Then I died, got passed and only kept ahead of a few B's to the finish. Once I got to the Short Hill I pretty much kept my place, ahead of two others. Did a sprint for good measure.

Not bad at 3.5 w/kg for the first 20 min ftp ride. (253 if you subtract the downhill rest for 30 seconds)

I doubt for ZWA I would have to ride at 400 watts the first 30 seconds, but it is good to get pushed to the limit. Next time, I'll try to save more energy for the climb. (Wait, I think I said that before. Eh, I know I can't ride 45 minutes fast, so I just push myself for 20 or so.) Can't wait for some info next week on what we will have to do.

All I know is we start with an FTP of course.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Workout #1 of 5 ZWA 26 Capacity Pyramids

Took this up a notch instead of intervals 255/195/150, I skipped the slow parts.
It is a 1/4, 2/3,3/2, 4/1/4/1,3/2, 2/3, 1/4 alternating from fast to medium.
Basically just until the orange, then just at green below yellow.
It felt good. The middle gets tough (20 minutes at 240)

Analysis: I averaged 255 for the 20 minutes total of fast intervals and maybe 200-205 for medium.
I sprinted the last 30 seconds @ 440 for a total 40 minutes at 232.

1- 248, 2- 250, 3-251, 4- 252, 4- 255, 3-256, 2- 262, 1- 276
255 watts = 3.75 w/kg

Great workout, without killing myself.
would like to try this again at 260.
this is good preperation for #24 and 5-2 workouts to come. Also doing 23 and 27.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

KISS L.O. Richmond Hilly X 4 (long, long)

A win, but nobody else was in B cat. Kept it easy first lap and picked up the pace on the hills in second lap. Ran comfortably fast on third lap, and pushed the big gear on the fourth lap. Doing this race just in case it appears  in the Academy races.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Richmond KOM Analysis

So, new Vitoria tainer tire, active rest day and cool morning effort (instead of hot afternoon with tired legs from work day.) and with 8 failed attempts but deep knowledge of every bit of this course, so started attempt number 9.

I was going against an effort of Cassie Baldi, who is very fast in her own right, maybe one of the fastest with the exception of Rachael Elliot who is at the very top of world class (as proven in CVR race in London). Add to that, she was drafting the entire first half and you have a deep record that is hard to match.

The start must be full speed with a rest on the downhill., just over 400 watts for 1:15 with a big spurt to get the downhill speed high from the start. Then the flat section (James River bumps section at 340 with a big spurt on the rise just leaving the city section. The first half at 5:50, 20 seconds down on Cassie.

Libby Hill must be fast, but not too hard with a following flat about 30 seconds more after the banner. 1:29 at 380 but cutting back on the flat to 340 or so and again a dig to start he downhill. I made my downhill dig about 2 seconds longer than my other efforts.

23rd Hill at 39 seconds at 410 but a small crest and a dig or almost a minute at 400. It's steep so you have to go hard and try to recover heart-rate on downhill. Started back at 320 on the flat section before Sagan's Hill.

This is it. Go hard all the way to the crest, one deep breathe and start the final sprint. Sagan Hill at 400 watts, for 1:20. Hitting the crest with about 400 meters to go. Usually I'm panting and doing 360-380. Once I died with 300 to go, or faded in the middle. today, I felt good at this point. While trailing at the first half, I can only match, almost exactly, Cassie on the first to hills. But on the following two flat sections, I managed to gain   7 seconds on my PB of 12:55 going into the final section. but more important,  I'm dead even with Cassie's record. This was my only peek at my stop watch.

Granted, Cassie wasn't going all-out for a record here and didn't do a full finishing sprint. but, I knew I can loose about 10 seconds if I don't have my sprint. My long sprint< I call the Zee Sprint.and here with 400 to go, you need speed fast. I averaged 500 to the line, about my race finish best. (I can do 600 or more fully rested). I hit  it hard and kept thinking, "You can loose it here and tie at 12:54. so I paniced myself and got it to 600 with 200 to go. I saw my speed get way up there, well over the 42 I know I need. turns out I hit 48 by the line, but I was just blurred vision focused on getting to the line.

I almost quit at the one minute mark, it hurt so bad. I said, just race at least half-way, then see if you can do Libby, then I had gone too far to quit. 12:39 on my watch but 12:38 on Zwift verified Strava time. I knew I needed about 370 average to beat the record, and I was over that when I got to Strava.


One more tin on Strava compare, it says I only passed Cassie halfway up te last climb. Most of te time was in te final sprint. (my key just broke)

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Finally...Richmond Hilly KOM

As I said, fear and panic led to victory. After having several London and Watopia courses, I wanted a Richmond course. But, most are drafting race times, impossible to time trial faster. Except the Hilly course has a lot of climbing, so I took it on. Eight or so attempts led to failure but I learned how to pace it.
My coach has taught me to climb better and pace this course, section by section. and two zwift racers gave me a tip on raising my speed on short high wattage sections.

I'll do a full analysis later. too excited and busy right now. Enjoying it immensely. I think I did a 2 minute record near the end as I really kicked it in in the last 30 seconds. Like I said, fear and panic.
Edit: After 3 and 1/2 years my time was beaten by one second. 

Try, try again and again: