Thursday, April 6, 2023

I am still fighting Women's Six Race Series

Well, it is time for another challenge. A new women's series of races. I was all set to do all of the races. I really only wanted to try some point races. But, why not do them all. I only realized last minute that it was impossible for me to run the first race. Solution? I did the time trial later (not in the AE event).

Round #1 Bologna Time Trial

Kulchensky....15:13 (how is that possible?)

Kryder ...........18:55 (overall 39th of 45 and 5 of 6 in AE)

I don't think there is a fair way to access 45 riders over 4 time zones. CVR tried it and it was a failure. The problem is numbers. 7 in first division, then 29 in Europe, 6 in AE, and 3 in AW (3? We know the podium already?)  A lot of riders in division 2 will be lucky to score any points.In 4, I could probably win or take second, if I were to race really really late at night.

If we go by race times and fastest through segments, division 2 will probably have the advantage. But, here goes nothing as I will try to do my best.

Round # 2 Innsbruck Short Race - Scratch

I did really great here, taking second but first among contenders.

Very hard climb with just enough energy to keep up in a group of three. 

Had a pretty good sprint, losing by 0.1 seconds. Next time!

Round # 3. I know I am not a climber. I got under 26 for the epic, which was a great workout for me.

It would have been great if I could keep up with the three leaders. But they were tearing it up. Congrats.

Round #4

I passed on the first long hill of Richmond reverse. Won the 23rd Hill easily, then took all five sprints from a fairly strong field. I took second overall but more importantly, finished ahead of my two rivals Penner and White. I just felt that hitting the first hill hard would ruin the next climb anyway. 1:13 over 1:17-1:22. I did 1:15 in practice. 430 watts. Most of my sprints were done at 600 watts, reaching 10 w/kg.

There are only twenty riders left now. With a win, I am sitting at 11th place of twenty. The next two races are tough, one is 16 laps and the other is a lot of climbs. But I am fighting for my spot. I want to be top ten. The top 8 are way ahead of me.

Round #5

The race didn't go as planned. I stuck with the group for 8 of 16 laps. I lost four of them to KW and TP, which was terrible for me. I was not getting a power up on a lot of laps. I won a few sprints. In the second part of the race, I also won several sprints, but I was pretty tired and I passed on 2 or 3 laps, saving my energy for the following time up. I was most disappointed on the first prime that I came in third, as it looked like I won but took third by a fraction of a second on time. So, good but disappointed.

Overall, there are just 18 people doing all of the races. I will post my version of the overall points after tomorrow's races. I have myself at about the middle overall. I basically need to outright win this last race, which means I will have to contest the dreaded North Sgurr. It will definitely sap my strength for the three remaining sprints. But, the way the points are set up and no points for the last sprint, means I will need to win all six efforts. The Sgurr will be my win or lose scenario.

Round # 6

Hit out hard and just barely won the first sprint. Then, I lost contact well before I planned to split the group. I ran the Brae reverse hard and won by a good margin. I was hurting now but knew I needed the North if I was going to win. I hit out harder than practice, aiming at 320 watts which wavered a little. I was dying at the finish and barely able to lift my watts toward the end. I pushed so hard just to keep steady with over a minute to go. Bam! I had it with a few seconds to spare. The Brae went well too. The South was looming ahead. I just kept it over 300. My legs were tying up with 30 seconds to go. I almost quit a hundred meters from the line, but again, I had it. ( 1:43 to two minutes, wow) Only the Clyde remained. I had to climb off the bike to prevent my legs from cramping. I got back on to face the last sprint. Again, I hit it very hard at the start. My wattage was suffering but my speed held up. I had all six sprints. I couldn't do the math. I had to wait until the next morning to find out that I had won this race. I paid the price for all my efforts, not the next day but after the workout, I was so depleted that I passed out for a few seconds onto the floor.

I need a break from racing to go into a training block or so. I haven't done any workouts probably since the Academy. Lol. It is going to hurt.

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