Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Season of Racing

My video of three highlights
1. The only CVR race I won. This is the key moment when I finally caught my opponent and put in a huge 30 second attack starting on the staircase. I kept pushing until the finish even though my legs were screaming in pain. This was a bit of a revenge/rematch if you will, as I tried to break free the previous race, with big attacks before Box Hill and got schooled as I knew I would.
2. One of my KISS Crit series sprints from the pack. I love Nathan's enthusiasm. To me, I knew I couldn't stay with the A cat leaders in the race. But, I love to hit the sprint.
3. Another good finish in the KISS series. I finished 5th over the series which ran from early October 2017 through late February 2018. A long, tiring event.
Not pictured are two other great races for me. One was the London Classique course where I sprinted at 3 K to go to catch a dropped rider 8 seconds ahead. We traded a bit and I caught my breath slightly. When she seemed to fade on the climb, I saw the pack only six seconds back and attacked. It was the longest 2K/3minutes of my life. I think when I hit my aero p.u. and sprinted hard, they looked at each other and I managed to finish ahead of the charging pack.
The other race I loved was where I finally had a chance to match myself against the US East Coast KISS girls on a Thursday evening. I fought to stay in the main pack. They slowed a bit as we approached the final 2K. Someone started a fierce sprint at 700 to go. It took a few seconds all out to catch her wheel. I waited till her 30 seconds were running out on her aero p.u. Then I hit mine as I sprinted clear. Although two seconds ahead on my screen, I finished as winner only 0.5 seconds. Wow, that felt amazing.

Top B ranking 65th in women's rankings. Doesn't mean I am the best of B cat. But, I have more races and scored more ranking points.

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