Monday, January 17, 2022

Mixed Win #5 Tour de Zwift 2022

 This race was the bomb. Why? Well over 500 riders strong entered this event. To win at this level is truly an honor. I have done really well in this event over the years, especially winning the 2020 Tour (when it was a true race with a GC total). I just recently learned this course. You've got to sprint before you see the finish line. I pushed hard in the last two minutes but 30 seconds from the line, I was seeing the back of the pack of 20 riders. I hit my sprint and my aero power up early because I needed to build speed, mainly to catch the front of the group. It was hard to see since there was some lapped traffic. I saw a 2 next to my name and it looked like I passed him but I had to wait about five minutes for the ZP official results. I WON!

As it turns out the other rider was a lapped rider that accidently tripped the finish line. Zwift does that occasionally. So I actually beat the next rider by .279 seconds. I will take any win at this point. I got tired in Stage 1from staying over 4 w/kg for 12 minutes or so. Stage 2 I did good for about 16 minutes. So a race 16 minutes long was just perfect for my condition, no endurance. I had hoped to podium when I got into the final lap. Sometimes the pack will slow before the final sprint which helps a sprinter win. On this occasion, the pack built speed and I just had to hang in there and pull the rip cord early. I was amazed as I went from 16 to the front with a good bit of real estate in front of me. Fortunately, my long sprint is my specialty and I hung on to win. I am over the moon. Mission accomplished.

Finished the Tour with 76 total for eight events, averaging top ten! I'm very happy with my finishes, even without an official GC, I know I was up there with the top riders.